Flavors of political violence

You guys have probably already seen this AVI post, but I think it's brilliant, so I'm going to link it here. I've never gone deeply into "hole up and wait for the bad guys" territory, but I have to admit that I'm much closer to it this year than I've ever been before. I've never felt quite this betrayed by so many supposedly protective institutions at once. The press somehow managed to plumb deeper depths by memory-holing both the riots and the Hunter Biden bag-man-for-my-dad story more thoroughly than even I believed possible. I never believed elected officials could get away with wantonly destroying this many jobs at once. The craziness feels like it's mushroomed obscenely and is knocking even now at my front door. My neighborhood doesn't have a militia yet, but I'm beginning to wonder if we should. In past years, I suppose I always thought it was enough that we were ready to form one if needed. Well, hey, we have a terrible local prosecutor, but she'll be gone in a couple of months and will be replaced by a much better public servant that we went to a lot of trouble to find. So at least we don't have a Soros plant to contend with. We have a Sheriff about whom probably the worst thing you could say is that he's reluctant to use his power to the fullest to get repeat offender predators under control; in every other way he appears to be a good Joe who doesn't believe the government should overstep its bounds. Our county leadership is feckless and secretive but normally not too intrusive or power-mad. That won't help too much if the national leadership goes full psycho, but it may delay things for a while.


  1. AVI is probably right. My neighbors have broached the subject of mutual defense arrangements, if necessary; I sense a high degree of confidence that our area is impossible to conquer and hold, and that we will eventually be free to do just what we want up here. I’m not sure that is true.

    Unfortunately the ideal person to organize your local militia is the sheriff, as explored here:


    Perhaps he will come around if you discuss it with him. It’s very helpful to have his authority and resources, as well as the qualified immunity that comes with being deputized.

  2. On practical advice, US Special Forces veteran Clay Martin has two useful books. The first, Concrete Jungle, is on city fighting with an eye toward escaping to the countryside. The second, Prairie Fire, is about survival and operations in the country.

  3. Gringo6:16 PM

    The second, Prairie Fire, is about survival and operations in the country.

    This is not the first time that Prairie Fire has been the title of a book. William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire.

  4. Gringo:

    Clay Martin’s book mentions that, but says he’s taking the term from a brevity code used by MACV-SOG. Actually his full remarks are worth reproducing:

    “I struggled with choosing this title [and] almost backed out of it because it is also the title of the weather underground’s political manifesto published in the 70s. Well fuck that. We are taking our words back. Bill Ayers and the rest of his kind can argue about it in Hell.”

  5. Living in the city, I immediately picked up Concrete Jungle. My problem is there is no way I can put together a full team in the way he's outlining in the book. I suppose that means I need to focus on exfil. Not ideal, but I guess you deal with what you have.

  6. Yeah, that's true. You'll have to put your team together on the other end. Pick up the second book.

  7. Gringo12:16 PM

    Grim, thanks for the info about the title. Like the arguing about it in Hell.

  8. almost backed out of it because it is also the title of the weather underground’s political manifesto published in the 70s. Well fuck that. We are taking our words back.

    Good move.

    As for exfil, not me. This is my home, my city (much as I dislike cities), my area, and here will I die. One way or another. At a high price if forced into "another."

    Full stop.

    Eric Hines

  9. ymarsakar9:05 PM

    I've never felt quite this betrayed by so many supposedly protective institutions at once.

    It's hard to go beyond 100% ymar.

    I am actually quite content. THis isn't anything new to me, psychologically.

  10. ymarsakar9:09 PM

    On practical advice, US Special Forces veteran Clay Martin has two useful books. The first, Concrete Jungle, is on city fighting with an eye toward escaping to the countryside. The second, Prairie Fire, is about survival and operations in the country.

    I guess they haven't delved in the psionic powers yet.

    And no, I am not kidding.

  11. ymarsakar9:43 PM

    This actually sheds light on why AVI thinks Ymar is paranoid, and not only does this leak out psionically on the telepathic channels, but it was also stated in words not so long ago by AVI.

    I detect institutional bias when a practitioner continually uses their clinical or career experience, to create correlations or statistical/judgment inferences/conclusions from. This institutional bias is sorta like Yeshua's parables. They, like metaphors or analogies, have eventual limitations.

    The fundamental issue is taking the sample size of AVI's clinical subjects and patients, taking the paranoia of psychics or pretenders who have been cought by the system or otherwise neutralized, and comparing them to the Cabal Apex Predators like Biden, Leftists, Ymars, and other people here or elsewhere.

    Categorically, that is a statistical problem merely because the people in AVI's clinical subject/patient list, are not apex predators. They are no longer part of the game, so to speak. This is like their penalty box or game. These are not players, at least not to my knowledge.

    Let's take Jo Biden and Hunter Biden, or the daughter also. Is she paranoid because she believes Biden and friends molested her? What about Hunter, is he paranoid because he thinks he has to play a bag man to mafias, Biden mafia family, and other mafia families, or is that what he actually does and he deals with this using drugs and sex?

    Taking on presumption that AVI's clinical subject/patient list are inept and ineffective, and transfering these to the "paranoia" of the Ymars and other people on the Grand Stage, so to speak, won't work. If only because the bigger play outside is more complicated. Jo Big guy biden is NOT ineffective. Ymar is also not rendered ineffective, especially as I am still un red flagged as far as I know (then again, that depends on what level of power we are talking about here).

    Hunter is obviously not ineffective, or at least his ineffectiveness is modulated and self looped.

    And then there's all the other people reacting to this. Is the main sewer media paranoid because the yare suppressing the Hunter info? Or are the conservatives raecting to the mai nsewer media paranoia, the ones actually paranoid? Are the factions Red and Blue all paranoid? None of the mare paranoid? Are they functionally paranoid or dysfunctionally paranoid? Are they making stuff up? Are they aggressive or defense?

    None of these questions actually matter, in truth. Because this is not an insane asylum run by AVI's client/patient programs.

    The script being run in patient/subject houses and nursing homes, looks very different from the script I am writing or the Godhead is writing.

  12. I've been reading "Concrete Jungle" today with real enjoyment.

  13. I wish I could say I was reading it with "enjoyment". Intense attention is more like it.
