Not sissies

I don't remember ever reading about Teddy Roosevelt's being shot in the chest a month before his election.


  1. And then finishing his speech.

  2. A reckless blow against the security of the nation by a swaggering cowboy who defied medical advice and encourage gunshot victims everywhere to treat the scourge of gun violence cavalierly.

  3. Immortalized in this epic rap battle:

  4. Teddy carried the folded pages of his speech in his jacket pocket. The bullet flattened as it passed through the paper-barrier and so failed to penetrate T.R.'s
    manly bod -- at least not quite as deeply as it might have had he not had such a lot of prepared remarks ready to deliver.

  5. I once read a Civil War history that claimed there was a brief surge of people carrying coat pocket Bibles following numerous stories of lives saved by them, until soldiers learned that steel whisky flasks stopped bullets just as well.

  6. Woody Allen8:19 PM

    "Years ago, my mother gave me a bullet...a bullet! And I put it in my breast pocket. Two years after that, I was walking down the street, when a berserk evangelist heaved a Gideon bible out a hotel room window, hitting me in the chest. Bible would have gone through my heart if it wasn't for the bullet"
