Johnny Paycheck vs. Dolly Parton

 I've done Jonny Paycheck a disservice.  I always thought he stole the basic idea of this song from Dolly Parton.  In truth, he recorded this in 1971. 

Parton got around to this in 1973.

Parton was still way better.


  1. And she does it so easily. Never was a big Dolly fan, but that's talent, right there.
    I was surprised to hear my daughter listening to Dolly recently, surprised that kids these days even knew who she was.

  2. I am a big Dolly fan, can't get enough of her voice.

  3. She's a wonderful person as well, which is not guaranteed in a great artist.

  4. Gringo8:32 PM

    She's a wonderful person as well, which is not guaranteed in a great artist.

    I worked for a short while with an accountant who had business dealings with Dolly. The accountant had nothing but good to say about Dolly.

    Years ago I saw an interview where Dolly said she wanted to be a star from an early age. None of this "Aw shucks don't know how little ol' me ended up on top." Up front. She wanted it, she went for it, and she got it.
