Lee Keltner Apparently Made Fine Hats

 I'm sure you've all heard about the murder of a Trump supporter by a leftist in Denver Saturday.  The victim was Lee Keltner, and apparently he made hats for a living, and seems like the sort of fellow who'd have been right at home here in the Hall.  This video is of him in his shop making hats and talking about it a little.  God rest his soul.

Update: For some reason, in their infinite 'wisdom', YouTube has made that video unavailable.  Here is a working link to the same footage:

And when I went looking for that, I found this one, which only reinforces the idea that Lee would have been more than welcome here.


  1. Now that’s a shame. We could have used a man like him.

  2. Looks like we need permission to view it now?

  3. Douglas22:52 PM

    I'm pretty sure that that video was the same as this one; that one can view via twitter without joining:


  4. That's weird. Thanks for the working link, D2! I'll correct the like to the working one.

  5. Found another version on YouTube, so I went with that. Thanks again D2.

  6. ymarsakar9:33 PM

    No worries, I have him. He's gonna be all right.

    Counter conservatives: He's dead, Jim!

    Y: Just a physical shell, don't freak out. Look at near death resurrections and Yeshua on the cross.
