Giving urban voters a choice

 Just yesterday, I was typing about how residents of the most unsafe cities generally tend NOT to support gun control, but also have been raised on the (unofficial) mantra of "Blue No Matter Who".  And I posited that it will take a new wave of Republicans to appeal to those voters, not on abstract issues, but on the very real and undeniable facts that they've been voting for Democrats for decades and it's gotten them nowhere.  It will take these candidates pointing this out, pointing out that their chosen "leaders" are not helping and, in fact, oppose the rights that those citizens need to protect themselves.  And I pointed to Kim Klacik as an example of this new Republican candidate.  Well, I'm pleased to say I've now seen another who knocks it out of the park in his most recent ad.  Check it (and him) out.


  1. Good ad. Thanks!

  2. If I had to guess I would say it was crafted by the exact same producer and production team. Same snappy, jazzy beat - same kinds of graphics - same kind of hard-hit sound bites. Good for them.

  3. Gringo7:17 PM

    That's a hard-hitting ad. Recall that Maxine told people they should "absolutely harass" White House officials while they are doing normal every day activities.

  4. ymarsakar9:31 PM

    Walkaway tags on Ytube. Need grassroots wake up first. Candidates are powerless on their own.
