You’re Doing What Now?

Portland bans urinals because women can’t use them
"We will continue to have gender-specific (male and female) multi-stall restrooms that are readily available to any employee that prefers to use one. But there will be no urinals in any restroom in the building."

The city is also designing men's restrooms to be gender-neutral, which means there will no longer be urinals in the men's restrooms either.
You are making the men's rooms gender neutral?

Also, it’s not true that women can’t use urinals. 


  1. ymarsakar12:14 AM

    Bill Clinton is also losing it.

    The Main sewer shield that is.

    In other news...

    There's so much stuff going on, I read my Wednesday comment post, and I am like "there's no narrative here, it's just a mish mash of reality tv America in Ymar's land".

    I'll get another narrative going later on. Maybe Friday.

  2. ymarsakar12:17 AM

    The total remodel will cost taxpayers $195,000,000. A spokeswoman said she did not have a break out on how much the bathroom work cost.

    I think I know how their mafia con works.

    You see, they pay Antifa/Burn Loot Murder to destroy some buildings. Then they rebuild using tax slave dollars, and they feed these into a money launder scheme so that the mafia corps get rich. They then split off the proceeds to Antifa/Burn Loot Murder so they can Burn more Black Lives and businesses. Thus crashing the competition and gaining real estate and other value, at drop bottom prices, for the Cabal's business and money laundering branches.

    It's like a Khazari... mafia.

  3. It's not like there are many actual men in Portland.

    Eric Hines

  4. Expect a lot more public urination in Portland if they expand this idea much.

  5. Ban gynecologists too then.

    God, are these people REALLY this stupid?

  6. Are they in a bidding war with the Babylon Bee?

    That's got to be a hoax. They know Gaia would never forgive them for wasting the extra water.

  7. I see money to be made. A foot pedal to raise the seat and the same controller that flushes the commode, to lower the seat after you leave.

  8. Anonymous10:47 AM

    MikeD, yes, they are. Germany tried requiring men to sit to urinate in public facilities. That order got rescinded within a month, if I remember correctly. Portland's politicos are in a special reality that seems to be increasingly orthogonal to our own (or in their case, at left angles, not right angles.)


  9. So instead of making things better for women, they make them worse for men. I think this is a textbook example of how leftists think.

  10. raven3:52 PM

    "So instead of making things better for women, they make them worse for men. I think this is a textbook example of how leftists think."

    Harrison Bergeron syndrome.

  11. Time for straight men to shoot short.

  12. "Germany tried requiring men to sit to urinate in public facilities."
    It's funny, because in German, there's a perjorative for wimpy, effeminate men that refers to this- "Sitzpinkler".

  13. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Douglas, indeed. Part of the propaga— ahem, PR effort included exhortations that Sitzpinkler wasn't a pejorative anymore. That went over as well as you'd expect.


  14. “Really, ‘&$&@‘ is a term of respect.”
