Ymar’s Post



  1. ymarsakar3:44 PM

    Roswell, q , and epstein.

    Those seem to be the last 3 recent big stories.

    Trump and flynn, gates and hussein, tie in on the outside.

    I will connect the dots, along with the bible s archon material.

  2. ymarsakar8:30 PM

    I use a mechanical keyboard, based on Outemu brown switches. They have a certain feedback after it depresses past the activation stage. Unlike a type writer, the key only needs to go about 1.5mm to 2.5 mm to activate, thus creating faster key presses. A membrane keyboard, which is what most PCs came with as accessories decades ago, operates about the same except there is no touch feedback.

    Now that I am back to using one instead of a phone keyboard/voice transcriber, I can type a real narrative story.

    Previously on Ymar's World, I covered the archons mentioned in Ephesians 6:12.https://biblehub.com/greek/758.htm That can be used to cross reference Strong's 758, along with interlinear for 6:12, to detect and observe instances and context for which these terms are used.

    Like the word "lemon", one must have the proper context to see what the word may mean. Ford makes lemons does not mean the same thing as people's dislike for eating lemons.

    The closest example an English person would notice is Shakespeare's more modern middle English and modern day English. Same language? But...

    Even with languages like Greek and Hebrew, it is not automatic that the ancient 2000 year old version is the same as the modern version, even though words share the same etymology and the same spelling at times.

    People now a days can correlate that conflict to the arguments over the US Constitution. That type of English is very very close to our own, yet people still argue what "militia" or "arms" actually mean. The Pursuit of Happiness, what does that mean? The Pursuit of Religious Liberty and freedom in worship without being persecuted or burned alive by an inquisition or court.

    Another word Paul uses for the overlords are https://biblehub.com/greek/2888.htm kosmokratoras or Cosmic Powers.

    https://biblehub.com/greek/1849.html exousias

    Counter: What does any of this have to do with the relevant modern day problems of Burning Looting Matters?

    Y: Hold on, stay with me here for a little while longer.

    Paul holds that these powers/rulers in the heavenly realms that are not flesh or blood, hold malice towards them. https://biblehub.com/greek/4189.htm

    Now people either took this at face value and say it was obviously Satan/devil and demons, or they just ignored it because it didn't fit their Western materialistic world view.

    This status quo became untenable when scientists and atheists began talking about the universe being a simulation. If the universe is a simulation, then who or what is simulating it? Who are the game administrators and masters?

    The question of who God is, who Yeshua was, and who the Devil/Satan is, has been a constant thorn in the side of humanity. People say and believe that the best trick Satan did was to convince us he did not exist. But did Satan also put up another trick, such as distorting our perception of reality to the point where we thought YHVH was Bhaal, and Bhaal YHVH? Both entities or factions have "LORD" attached to them as their name or title.

    The ancient Hebrews and Jews of the Sanhedrine certainly thought Yeshua, a Son of God, was demon possessed or some kind of heretic or threat. The Roman authority, was half convinced Yeshua was indeed a son of god, which meant someone like Hercules, a hybrid demi god that mortals and emperors would do not to try to kill because the gods would curse anyone that actually did kill their children. The Romans, for all their technology and power, must be recall as a temple worshiping culture. They did not blaspheme their gods and rarely anyone else's (taking the gold and women was ok though).

  3. ymarsakar8:36 PM

    There were a number of times in the Torah or Talmud, where the Hebrew Chosen People of high IQ DNA activated sequences, were confused over who was YHVH, The God of Isaac and Abramham, and who was Bhaal. Who exactly was Bhaal anyways, this Canaanite child eating/sacrificing cult? Before Moiasch (nameless) Moses could even get down the mountain, the Hebrew people had burned down their metals and created a metallic calf, like the Bull of Wall Street, to worship and seek abundance. The cow or rather the Bull, was the symbol of Taurus and thus economic abundance and wealth.

    I would propose that Satan has affected our perception of reality at a root level ( a root hack). This is quite serious. People will see the outcome of this in the years to come. It will be final by 2025 or 2024. But even in 2021, people will have to wake up and see, they will have no choice about it. For reasons which I won't get into right now.

    So, Roswell, Q (Anon), and Epstein.

    If Roswell were aliens or time travelers, the end result would be the same. The USA reverse engineered significant technological aspects, such as fiber optics or silicon chip micro computing. What we once thought was "our human ingenuity" was in fact, a welfare chit on credit, or an intentional sabotage/transfer of wealth. It would be on one hand, very optimistic due to the release of future and current "next gen tech" but it would also challenge the psychology of Americans and even humanity, with "difficult paradigm crushing information". And humans were never really good at looking at their own weaknesses and pride. But, can we really trust these aliens or time travelers that might merely be Satan's forces in disguise? Or is the root level deception something even more fundamentally twisted, like Hollyweird?

    Enter Q, seeking to awaken humanity by giving people an opportunity to use their critical thinking that has been beaten out of them by public indoctrination. Which, coincidentally, is on the news once again as Trump legislates/threatens executive orders on School Choice. A much delayed and critical part of American hyper power, that no matter what the people want... their DC masters have refused to comply with. Who is in power and who are the servants? Does not seem like the normal relationship there. But who is Q really fighting against?

    And now Epstein with Bill Clinton on his paradise/pleasure island. Epstein is in truth, a very small fish. I do not mean just him personally, but his entire island. Just a tiny piece of ice off of the glacier hoping the Satanic ritual sacrifices going on. Child eating. Child sacrifice. Rape and abuse and human trafficking and breeding of 1-5 year olds. This is not a topic the main sewer or anyone else really, wants to touch. Yet that is what Q and ultimately, Roswell, is connected to. Who and what is Satan? Who and what is Bhaal? Is America worshipping the god they think they are worshipping?


    I pray you'll be our eyes
    And watch us where we go
    And help us to be wise
    In times when we don't know
    Let this be our prayer
    When we lose our way

    Lead us to a place
    Guide us with your grace
    To a place where we'll be safe

    The eyes of my god watch through me, as people pray and sing to a higher power. It is a bit ironic in more than one fashion. When the gods send their messengers and avatars, humans kill them, and the murderers rise in power using the image and authority of their victims.


    The links are not information but morale pick ups for the trials and tribulations to come, that in fact have already come to an America that is being judged and tested. In fact, all of humanity in 2020 and 2021 will be judged and tested, not in the sense that you were taught by human written scriptures and dogma (is it not written in your scriptures...) but in the sense of a job interview or military promotion session.

  4. ymarsakar8:28 PM


    The divine might descends quickly 2021.

    Another one like ymar.
