The proper role of violence in civil society

I'm not sure this was what BLM wanted, but it seems that even in places like the NYT comments sections, fellow-travelers find themselves debating what violence is, whether it's wrong, and what it means to enable it without engaging in it personally.

Some of our society's old discussions about whether words and symbolic actions like Tweets and cross-burning are really "violence" will need to be revisited, if we're to excuse trashing retail outlets, injuring cops, and forming a mostly peaceful cordon of non-violent protestors around the violent ones to protect them from the cops.  We may also have to re-think what it means to acquiesce to a corrupt "system."  Many NYT commenters are at least thinking about the strategic ramifications of failing to prevent the entangling of their pristine message from the insane display that is repelling a lot of potential voters.


  1. After lots of hand-wringing and well thought out questions and possible angles, they will all resort to priors in the end.

  2. I’ve written quite a lot about the proper role of violence in a free society. I’m amazed all the same to see the police letting crimes occur, and then punishing the victims who tried self defense.

    1. ymarsakar5:17 PM

      not so amazing for ymar s world grim. It was a central point i raised when linking copblock.

      They obey orders. Same as benghazi. Stand down or crack down. Those that disobey, are killed by the ds.

  3. ymarsakar11:57 PM

    One of the reasons why I am not running around telling everyone to kill Leftists before they eat the rich (or babies) is because I know for a fact that all souls will be harvested and judged, adjudicated, and purified in fire and stress.

    That means not even the Cabal can escape Divine Justice by dying or running away. Not the so called archons and not the dark gods either.

    All will be held to account. Even if I have to drag them to the Lake of Fire personally.

    One of the reasons Ymar picks up on Leftist operations is because of a commonality I share with them, and in a way Trump shares something with me. We are all fanatics and true believers, of our cause and faction so to speak. Trump did not start out that way but he volunteered The religious mystical fanatic. The social justice fanatic. And Trump, the Mars dominated American patriot fanatic.

    Oh, this is quite the drama and Finale. It should be better than Game of Thrones and Battle Star Galactica or every other human crafted fiction all put together. I demand nothing less. Humanity deserves a true... Finale. And if I get my way, we will get it in only a few....

  4. "Some of our society's old discussions about whether words and symbolic actions like Tweets and cross-burning are really "violence" will need to be revisited, if we're to excuse trashing retail outlets, injuring cops, and forming a mostly peaceful cordon of non-violent protestors around the violent ones to protect them from the cops."

    The Left sees no contradiction, just as the Nazis saw no contraction between allowing street violence against the proper targets (Jews, political opponents) while arresting people for speech.
