The Church Militant

For Catholic readers, a priest has decided that it is obligatory to fight the evils in Democratic platform planks. 


  1. ymarsakar2:20 AM

    Archb Vigano and this person, shows that no matter how messed up the organized religion is from Ephesians 6/12 type powers, humans will still incarnate and choose them while upholding a bare minimum standard of independent will.

    Which is another way of saying, if this keeps up, organized religion will become obsolete.

    One of the consequences of the 2021 Golden Age start is that not only politics but economics and religions, will be revamped and reformed. It is very easy to reform a religion when a religion's own founding members come back after all. As soon as humans won't be likely to declare war on the visitors as "aliens" that is.

  2. ymarsakar2:27 AM

    I haven't forgotten the Cabal's multi dimensional Atlantis based bio weapon that they tried to kill off millions if not billions of human beings, just because they were panicking and knew they were gonna lose.

    Those are the people I am supposed to somehow tolerate in a "political election", Grim?

    Oh, no. That's not going to happen.

    To conservative Catholics that are not with Vatican 2 or liberal stuff, to them this might be just as important a battle line in the sand.

  3. I shall do my best to oblige.

  4. ymarsakar9:02 AM

    The Church of Rome functions on a strict hierarchy, even a military one.

    People obey their bishops over the bible, because the bible cannot be accurately interpreted by people. This is not my belief but the belief of the church of rome.

    They need priests and bishops to intercede for them, to do the interpretation. And priests obey their bishops, bishops their archbishops, and archbishops the cardinal or pontiff or "nuncio" so to speak of the Vatican hierarchy.

    This creates a very heavy top down system. Which is why the recent Vatican 2 reforms and civil war in the church of rome has produced a significant number of rebellions, where American bishops have openly questioned paying tribute to the Vatican/P of Rome.

    It's even worse in the Jesuit order, as there is a black pope, a white pope, and maybe even a grey pope.

    Francis wears the white and the black hat at the same time.

    Until humanity, starting with the obvious long standing groups, go back into their histories and repent of their crimes against humanity (Albigensian holy war extermination), forget salvation and atonement, they won't be going to the place they think they will go.

    To give a reference for this insanity, John C Wright is a conservative American member of the Church of Rome. Because he converted due to the illogic of Protestants protesting the Founding Line of Rome while using the same authority. HIs Catholic readers told me that the Albigensians were devil worshippers that needed to be exterminated. That's BLM logic there.

  5. ymarsakar9:06 AM

    And the logic provided by their religious authorities that they regurgitate to me, was that the Albigensians were devil worshippers because they had women religious leaders that had teachings about not having children. Have they ever looked at a nun convent or monastery?

    So killing off 100,000 of them and burning them alive, was somehow going to produce more children but they had to do it to save humanity from those that would not have children?

    This is utter human insanity, as a result of their being slaves under the powers.

    And this is why members of the Church of Rome don't like talking to Ymar online. It's not because of what I think and say.

  6. ymarsakar9:07 AM

    Oh, I know why the Vatican needed more children. Everyone that got burned alive, probably had a hint too.

    Fortunately, in the modern world, most of the flames come from flame wars online.

  7. ymarsakar11:31 AM

    Francis is in a short list to be executed for crimes against humanity. He chooses to play ball hoping to get an indulgence. Potential last p of rome.

    Vigano is feeling brave because he sees the jesuit purge scandals. He can keep himself alive. Chiniquy was another vigano type whistle blower.

    Some of this is about us politics but another is the break between us churches and the foreign vatican.

    I know enough c catchecism to understand where bodies are and sacred cows.
