Riders, Keep Your Heads on a Swivel More Than Usual- You're Now a Target

The media isn't covering this because it certainly doesn't fit their narrative, but I think many of us knew things like this were coming down the pike sooner or later-  Man deliberately swerves head on into a Harley rider because  "The Harley culture is made up of white racists"
Now I understand that this man is almost certainly suffering from mental issues, but then so are a lot of people around the country, so I have no sense that we won't see other similarly motivated acts in the future.  Beware and stay safe.


  1. You probably won’t enjoy listening to this YouTube video by a Puerto Rican biker, if you have the bandwidth to watch it, but it’s worth glancing at the comments. He’s basically putting out the question: should outlaw MCs repair relations with the cops? It follows a funeral for a fallen officer attended by 500 motorcycle riders.

    I’m told he came down on the positive side of the question, because Communists are Communists and a common enemy of freedom. The comments are divided.

    The only MCs I can identify as having participated are the Buffalo Soldiers MC (a predominately black club but one that doesn’t discriminate against people by race, mostly veterans) and the Iron Bandogs MC (which is a law enforcement club, like the Blue Knights). I’m not sure any of the 1% clubs came — Ohio is an Outlaws state — but the video is pitched to them.


  2. Put aside the first few minutes of self promotion, and turn up the playback speed to 1.5x and it was actually kind of interesting. I think more voices like his can sway people in the right direction, more or less. Judging by the comments, there does exist some support for the idea, at least to stand against the common enemy of communists. Good.

  3. When I saw the story a week or so ago I had the same thought. I worried it would give people ideas.

  4. raven9:50 PM

    I really don't have a clue why people are so sensitive- years ago, it would actually take a reasonable offense to get your nose punched in. Even in Forks on a Saturday night. (logging town). Like trying to pick up some guys girlfriend, or maybe insisting a Mac was as good as a Husky, or his 7mm mag didn't shoot worth a shit, you know, serious stuff- Now you say the wrong word or wear the wrong hat and some freak wants to kill you over it. People are screwed up- I just hope they don't run out of prozak or whatever else they are on.

  5. ymarsakar11:32 PM

    People are screwed up- I just hope they don't run out of prozak or whatever else they are on.

    Demon possession. It is sorta like hacking a PC to control it remotely. Or a stux net virus. Or a trojan.

    These are just minor evidences of US veterans being targeted for suppression. The biggest threat to a Deep State totalitarian system is a bunch of patriotic military counter insurgency trained veterans. Or motorcycle "clubs" heh. Waco 2.

  6. Anonymous8:39 AM

    "These are just minor evidences of US veterans being targeted for suppression."

    That's prep work has been going on for a long time. I suspect that's why there's been a concerted push to label vets as PTSD sufferers. I haven't seen many good words from the left about vets in a long time. Now it is all about homelessness, suicides and PTSD.

  7. ymarsakar9:32 AM

    Grim, mc vs police is like conservatives buddying up with lois lerner and irs.

    Serious problems there.

    Ds related. The mc fear infiltratiin and waco 2 or 3. The police are infiltrated and either obey stand down or crack down 9rders

  8. ymarsakar10:03 AM

    There has been significant harassment leading to suicide of those involved in coin operations or counter terrorism since 2001. The data shows a conspiracy. The things main sewer fake news are told not to touch, like ufos or uap for 50 years.

    These are orders or policies in force
