
From the Week in Pictures at Powerline.

I'm reading "Apocalypse Never," whose author makes much the same point about the best approach to what he considers to be serious environmental risks:  we'd do better to increase prosperity and increase resilience across a number of possible fronts, than to tie ourselves down to cripplingly expensive solutions to badly understood risks that may never ripen into real problems.  Prosperous societies do less environmental damage than poor ones, despite the "Noble Savage" fantasies of limousine liberals, and the Noble Savages don't have the same ambitions for their children that Hollywood wishes they did.


  1. The version of this cartoon I saw had the “Capitalism” panel as them actually paying for seats.

  2. ymarsakar2:20 PM

    Apocalypse was revelation disclosure. The modern context seems to be end of world

  3. The thing I always notice is that handing out boxes only benefits the kids who want to watch the ballgame. What if the short kid wants to go see a play?
