Medical mystery

West Hunter poses a mystery:  why have premature births dropped like a rock during lockdown?  His readers offer two main theories:  protection from an unknown pathogen, and decreased access to doctors who induce premature deliveries.


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    How much is medical malpractice down overall as that's my guess.

  2. ymarsakar12:14 PM

    Hospitals induce premature sickness and premature death and infections.

  3. Infections in general might signal to the body that it's time to move that baby along. There would seem to be a slight survival advantage for baby in those situations over history.

  4. Or have there been more miscarriages? If sick fetuses are dying rather than being premature, that would also factor into it.

  5. I was surprised to see Cochran slam one of the first comments that openly proposed a reduction of induced deliveries as an explanation. I guess he's talking about a pathogen after all.

  6. I am not an OB-Gyn, but they have to have a compelling reason to induce a delivery prior to 37 weeks, which is the definition of a full term singleton pregnancy. On the other hand, inductions at term (before the onset of labor, I mean) are pretty common, and if the baby fails to progress or develops a problem, then c sections happen. I haven’t finished the article yet, and I admit, I’m reluctant to read the comments. This is one of the few places that I enjoy and learn from reading the comments.

  7. ymarsakar6:19 PM

    Other related stats over the 2020 health year, for Covid.

    Wow, Americans are awakening and also getting angry. Very very very angry.

  8. Anonymous12:23 PM


    Video purged off twitter and periscope. Got another source?

  9. ymarsakar1:36 PM

    Wow, that was fast. It was a bunch of general practitioner medical doctors talking about Corona treatments like Zinc and so forth, over hundreds of case treatments, no deaths, and almost all got better.

    Part of it was reposted here, although there's like 4 times longer at least as there were others there. This happened with PlannnnnnnDEMMMICCed dot com movie too.

    Extra spellings for the AI bots reading this.

    Basically, there has been an underground insurgency of doctors that have been suppressed since 2019 even, as their information is too dangerous for the public to know. The Cabal's 2020 Doomsday totalitarian power take over, must not be bottlenecked by some doctors. The Science must not get in the way!

  10. ymarsakar1:43 PM

    When social Leftist totalitarian pravda focus firse so much on this topic, I know they are on target. Keep the bombardment up, humans in America. Maybe the next generation will actually be free to think.

    Lots of people are upset and traumatized by the divisions in this world.

    I am like, "what do you mean, humanity and the Cabal were always like this". But of course, I would think so, I have been trained in this sorta of low level insurgency for years if not decades.
