Let the money follow the student

Heads came to a sharp point when the President put a voucher proposal into the latest COVID relief bill:
Drawing on his history of supporting school-choice initiatives, he announced an ambitious new effort to give parents billions in federal funds – as much as $10,000 per child -- and allow them to pick the emergency-education method that would best fit their child’s and families’ needs.
“If the schools do not reopen, the funding should go to parents to send their children to [the] public, private, charter, religious or home school of their choice,” Trump told reporters Thursday during a press briefing. “The key word being ‘choice.’ If the school is closed, the money should follow the student so the parents and families are in control of their own decisions.”
And if not that, then at least require the schools to go back to their core role as babysitters.  The only thing worse than spending $10K a kid for an ideologically corrupt non-education is to fail to get some expensive childcare out of it.

As my husband says, with all the kids staying home, how long before families pass the hat to hire a schoolmarm to come out here on the train from back East?


  1. ymarsakar5:20 PM

    Trump is taking his angst out via executive order. Better than nothing.

  2. ymarsakar5:22 PM

    Just the words "Hire Ymar as private tutor" will scare these unionists back to work.

    NESARA or economic reset, will include "prosperity funds". I find it interesting how Trump is actualizing that ideal.

  3. ymarsakar5:31 PM

    Oh, I see it now. He is attaching what they call it, a "rider"? To the bill.

    That is a much more orthodox method.

    Reagan and others did a lot more with executive orders or anti trust busts vs unions however.

  4. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Some of the homeschooling groups in this area already do that. They'll pool resources, rent a facility, and have someone come out for a week and do hands-on advanced chem labs and that sort of thing. You know, the kind of teaching that probably shouldn't be done in the kitchen of a ranch or farm house. All the kids in the same achievement level participate. It seems to work well.


  5. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Choose Homeschooling, it is the wisest choice for your family.

  6. Anonymous8:41 PM


  7. The US Dept of Defense operates K-12 schools for dependents of military members and their support teams. DoDDS, under DODEA.

    IFF the feds want to demonstrate how schools ought to be properly run, there is a system over which Congress and the Commander-in-Chief properly can implement the policies and processes.

    Otherwise, the feds should, ought to, and IMHO are legally obligated to keep the heck out of states' business.


  8. It would be interesting to compare the costs of aviation training...which involves a lot of one-on-one time between the instructor and the student, as well as the costs of the aircraft and fuel....with the costs of public schools and universities, which are more oriented to 'batch processing' of students.

  9. J Melcher: Good point. I do love me some vouchers, but I'd like the federal government to butt out of education.

  10. ymarsakar11:34 AM

    The feds fund state business. They take the money.
