Uh-Oh Barack & Biden

Speaking of Flynn, newly released handwritten notes say Obama personally ordered an investigation by “the right people” and Biden brought up the Logan Act. This looks like a political hit job on the incoming NSA, directed by the President himself — and after the Crossfire Razor investigation showed Flynn not guilty of illicit Russia connections, and while Comey was declaring that the call with the ambassador looked legitimate.

UPDATE: More from The Federalist.


  1. Eric Blair12:08 PM

    Never write that stuff down if you're going to do it.

  2. It almost worked, too. They got as far as coercing a guilty plea in front of an Obama-friendly judge.

  3. Eric Blair3:28 PM

    That is the scary part.

  4. That only their incompetence and hubris got them caught is frightening.

  5. ymarsakar10:41 PM

    Told you he was a traitor, Grim.

    I can watch his face in 2008 and his emotions are obvious.

  6. ymarsakar10:50 PM

    The reason why I was so sure Hussein was a traitor is because of a few subtle hints, but mostly the revelation I received about the Demoncrats. I had caught the tail of what people call the Deep State or the Cabal, but I called it the Leftist alliance because it was like an alliance between various unions, gangs, and figures like Soros. They all protect each other. And they all divide up the loot. Hussein, no way he would be some kind of maverick and go against the Demoncrat Way.

    In 2008, I had an undeveloped empathic ability. Unaware it existed, so it was not activated fully. Now it is far more powerful and accurate. The skill has been upgraded.
