Test Post #2

This post is also being written in 'the New Blogger,' which I'm told is going to become the default soon. This time I'm writing the HTML code by hand like I usually do. 

BB: "Episcopalians Confused By Strange Book Trump Brought To Church."
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, though, was nonplussed, saying she was confused by the strange book Trump had brought to church.... "No real Christian reveres a book like that. Well, maybe the Communist Manifesto or something. But not an old-looking leather book. It looks like one of those religious books, and Jesus wasn't about religion. He was about causing societal upheaval and burning things down."
Some Episcopalians suggested it was a cookbook and that Trump was only offering to bring something to the next church potluck. Others said it was a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, a revered religious text among the Left.
There might be some good casserole recipes in there.


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    There must be something in the water. Blogspot is also doing an editor-pane change. I'm dreading it, because the last one cost me several features that I'd liked. (And is one reason I've not switched to their pay version. The interface on that is, let us say, not intuitive.)


  2. Yeah, I'm going to have to practice this also. Darn.

    Did I ask for new improved features? I don't recall doing so.

  3. I don’t think I did either, now that you mention it.

  4. ymarsakar9:48 PM

    If you really want to freak people out, make the "strange book" the Book of Mormon. LOL, Watch people's heads explode.
