A Test Post

This post is being written with "the New Blogger," which I'm told will become the default soon.  I've still been using the old one; we'll have to see if this changes things dramatically.

Here's a piece on the interview Rush Limbaugh gave with a radio host called "Charlemagne tha God" (apparently the same one Biden was talking with whom he, Biden, told that 'he ain't black' if he doesn't know how to vote).  I think the author raises some good points:

RUSH: How do you stop it? (crosstalk)

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: I have a question for you. I want to know. How are you gonna use your privilege as a white male to combat this prejudice. You got a direct line to Donald Trump. (crosstalk)

RUSH: No, wait a minute, I don’t buy into the notion of white privilege. See, I think that’s a liberal —


RUSH: That’s a liberal — (crosstalk)

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: You’re being delusional.

RUSH: — political construct right along the lines of political correctness. It’s designed to intimidate and get people to shut up and admit they’re guilty of doing things they haven’t done. I don’t have any white privilege — (crosstalk)

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: Do you know what white privilege is? White privilege is that what happened to George Floyd would not have happened to a white man.

RUSH: If what happened to George Floyd had happened to a white man we probably wouldn’t have even heard about it.


The pause lasted more than four seconds, as Charlamagne and his colleagues were caught by surprise.

Of course there have been white victims: Tony Timpa, for example, died in the custody of Dallas police in 2016. But his death did not provoke riots or become a national cause — nor did anyone take it as evidence of the conduct of police in general.

Charlamagne had not considered the problem from that angle. But what was even more revealing was that he was unwilling to discuss solutions to racism unless they involved Rush Limbaugh committing to ending “white privilege.”

In other words, Charlamagne gave power over his life, over black America itself, to a white man.


  1. Gringo5:23 PM

    CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: Do you know what white privilege is? White privilege is that what happened to George Floyd would not have happened to a white man.

    RUSH: If what happened to George Floyd had happened to a white man we probably wouldn’t have even heard about it.

    Put it this way. While the Somali cop kiling the Australian woman who had called 911, did make the news, there were no riots over the killing.After Somali Cop Kills White Woman, Second Minneapolis Muslim Cop Arrested For Sick Crime

  2. Ymar Sakar9:03 PM

    Waco 1. Happens all the time. I was one of the few if not only person, warning americans here via copblock. This was years before grim decided to tackle police problems. Even that is almost too old to recall, 2015

    What about waco 2....

  3. ymarsakar9:52 PM

    Black people are, as Candace knows very well, on the Demoncrat "plantation" slave system. That is a kind of slave system in truth, and related to the same slave system I talk about in the Matrix.

    That's why I know what she is talking about and she is more or less correct.

    This is why they don't actually realize certain things, such as Abe Lincoln being a Republican. They have been misinformed or indoctrinated, to believe Demoncrats are the saviors of the US black race. THat is so wrong it is... ridiculous but ok.

    Charlie, someone I never saw in the Divine Counsel, has a severe amount of mind control to liberate themselves from.
