Weird Numbers

Americans seem prepared to walk into socialism, but approve of Trump's handling of the crisis? These are huge majorities for the most part for universal healthcare, universal basic income (at least for the duration of the crisis), and more help for those who may have become unemployed.

It's too bad for Democrats that Bernie didn't win. This could have been his year.

By the way, @AVI, one of my progressive friends just used the phrase "billionaires hoarding Scrooge McDuck levels of wealth" in a conversation about the American response.


  1. You always have to go have a look at the question phrasing in polls like this- usually you find that the way they asked is going to promote a certain answer.

    But in this case, that would cast an interesting light on the Trump number.

  2. Scrooge McDuck (as I recall the Carl Barks comics -- I have no knowledge of the TV / "Duck Tales" portrayal) is a really interesting character and by no means a villain.

    Yes, he still has the first dime he ever earned. But boy howdy, did he earn it -- hours spent cleaning and polishing the boots of the first customer he had when he started out as a shoe-shine boy. He, obviously, made, spent, invested, lost and maybe even squandered other money later, but he always had a reminder of what hard work goes into earning his way. (Contrast, say, Richie Rich, Bruce Wayne, or Tony Stark, all of whom inherited their [first?] billion.)

    Scrooge and the nephews wandered the world learning and earning. If it took a submarine, Scrooge would hire an inventor to build one. (The recent _New Yorker_ article on Victor Vivesco,
    [] could serve as a Carl Barks script for Scrooge!) If desert sheikhs came at him with scimitars, he could fight back with the same wrench he used to build an oil pipe line. If the treasure room was supposedly haunted, he defied fear with cold reason -- and infrared camera gear. And when criminals assailed his home or his office, he didn't petulantly demand extra help from the police; he laid traps and captured his foes.

    Reality could stand a few multiplujillionaires of the McDuck caliber.

  3. Yes, confirming that "swimming in piles of gold coins" is the image that does indeed run through their heads.

    People say what they really mean, if you let them go on long enough.

  4. OT: Count Duckula was much better than the Scrooge stuff.

    Eric Hines

  5. Ymar Sakar7:53 PM

    I do not favor socialism but i know what trum is planning. Economic reset.
