"Take Yourself to Work Day"

A Michigan entrepreneur is defying what may well be America's worst governor, Gretchen Whitmer.
In an interview with PJ Media, the business owner described Whitmer’s executive orders as “in a word, ludicrous.”

“Tell me how liquor, the lottery, and marijuana are essential while rakes, brooms, and paint aren’t,” Kiilunen said. “Tell me how it is safe to walk with a large crowd in Wal-Mart but not in a hometown business.”
The NY Post reports that Governor Whitmer is in talks with the Biden campaign about becoming the Vice Presidential nominee, which could easily make her President of the United States soon.


  1. I take issue with your characterization of Whitmer.

    She didn't order the transfer of Wuhan Virus-infected persons, or those suspected of being infected, into nursing homes, housing for those already known to be our most vulnerable. Nor did she order those facilities to accept into those vulnerable populations the Wuhan Virus afflicted.

    "Governor" Andrew Cuomo's order amounts to, at best, negligent homicide. But he says no one should be prosecuted for the deaths that amount to roughly a quarter of all of New York's Wuhan Virus deaths.

    Whitmer is only number two. And she's as far behind first as third is behind her.

    Eric Hines

  2. Cuomo made a bad call in the face of an unknown diseases that cost a lot of lives, but it was not his intention to kill people. Whitmer is intentional in her violation of Constitutional and natural rights. Cuomo probably feels bad about his error; Whitmer plainly is proud of herself for what she’s doing.

    I say she’s worse.

  3. At the time Cuomo made his call, it was well-known that the elderly with comorbidities were especially vulnerable to the Wuhan Virus.

    He also had, well inside the 6 weeks it took him to correct his "mistake," ample hospital beds in temporary hospitals and a Navy ship into which he could have retransferred those patients. USNS Comfort began accepting patients 6 Apr. Javits Center was set up as a hospital 27 Mar. Cuomo's policy regarding moving Wuhan Virus infected into nursing homes was implemented 25 Mar.

    No, he didn't intend to kill anyone--hence merely negligence. He did know better and had options readily available. Hence negligent homicide.

    Eric Hines

  4. I don't dispute your characterization of it, although I expect he'll enjoy immunity for his official actions. I merely assert that she is worse, because she is intentionally and proudly violating natural and Constitutional rights. Tyranny is worse even than murder, as dishonor is a greater evil than death.

  5. In that regard, I agree with you. I was focusing on practical, concrete outcomes--Whitmer hasn't actually killed anyone, yet--not the other kind, which are at least as important, if not more so.

    Eric Hines

  6. Ymar Sakar10:29 PM

    C and w do not decide what is for breakfast. They are obedient to ds orders.
