“Police Erupt in Violence Nationwide”

What’d you think you were paying them to do, Slate?
The ongoing protests following the killing of George Floyd were caught up in violence again on Saturday, as police all over the country tear-gassed protesters, drove vehicles through crowds, opened fire with nonlethal rounds on journalists or people on their own property, and in at least one instance, pushed over an elderly man who was walking away with a cane.
“At least one instance.” But probably more, right? Cops were likely hunting for opportunities to shove old people down stairs, too.

Longtime readers know that I have long held a dire view of American policing; I’d like to see all SWAT-type units disbanded, all military weaponry reassigned, and the police move back to a more traditional “peace officer” rather than “law enforcement” model. Certainly the police in Minneapolis behaved disgracefully, and many others have over the years. There’s a lot to criticize.

But come on. They could have been clearing streets with fire all weekend. Overall the response has been remarkably restrained.


  1. Thos.8:06 PM

    I must confess that I cannot make sense of the progressive left.

    They seem to believe on the one hand that the police are hyper-violent racists that operate without control or accountability. At the same time, they seem to implicitly assume that the police will unquestioningly carry out whatever orders they (the progs) deem necessary to control any given behavior that may be designated "undesirable" (see church-going, gun-owning, home-schooling, etc.).

    It's impossibly unrealistic for them to truly believe both of these things; and yet, we have daily examples of actual governors and mayors demonstrating exactly that disconnect.

    The only way to reconcile both views is to believe that all police are merely unthinking oppressor-bots; machines that only exist to be pointed at whomever it is you want to control. But any mature person has to know that real people don't work that way (other than a vanishingly tiny psychopathic minority).

  2. As I have said before, being a progressive or even a contemporary 'liberal' means swearing fealty to numerous things that one must know not to be true: that all people are in fact equals, for example, as opposed to being otherwise unequal people possessed of one form of political equality. That 'trans-women are women.' That women can perform infantry service at least as well as men.
    That abortion does not kill an innocent human being, even a child.

    None of this stuff is remotely true, and in fact demonstrably false; but they all profess it, and do their best to make all of the rest of us profess it as a condition of being allowed in polite society. This is one reason I finally decided just to run up the black flag and accept Outlaw status.

  3. That would have been Independence Day, 2015.


  4. ymarsakar10:15 PM

    So LEOs told folks like me that we were civilian loose cannons, that we needed to disarm, kneel down and Obey the State, because LEOs and SWAT protected me.

    Funny, I don't think that works in these riots...

    I also find it slightly amusing ( I know, Ymar is weird) that humans so easily die or get KOed by just a few dozen "looters".

    What happened to the 3% and the Warriors that trained to take on hundreds or thousands of armed foes? They can't find an alley way to fight in? Run down hordes using your anti zombie car? Throw some firecrackers and pressure cooker bombs at enemy mobs? Oh wait, that last part is illegal, LEOs tell me. I have to obey the law, or else. Can't use blades longer than X inches, Or else. This is why I like Target Focus Training. Passes metal detectors 100%.

  5. How many of them live in the city? Out here it’s placid.

  6. ymarsakar7:03 AM

    Given what I have heard from survival preppers over the decades, most of them have moved out to their bunkers, or pre bunker communities already.

    At least they didn't spend all that time and money in vain. They probably picked their kids and 3 day go bags up and bugged out even before Corona event closed schools. Good for thing. IF they can survive to 2021, like Hong Kong, the Divine Reinforcements will arrive. I think I wrote something like that sometime before humanity began to go even more insane than they already are.

    Just ride these waves (plural) out. Cabal is pushing every doomsday button in existence. Because they are losing.
