Home delivery favorites, lockdown-style

We haven't ordered any home-delivery meals during the lockdown, mostly because practically no one around here will deliver to our location in the boonies.  It's interesting to see what's trending in different states.  I confess I had never heard of "Bubble Tea," a favorite in three states.  Apparently it's an iced tea-based drink with milk and tapioca pearls, sort of milk-shakey.  Spam musubi also was a new one on me, as were boo buns (sweetened bread rolls).  Poke bowls (sushi salad) look good, but I've never encountered one.

Everything else on this map is something I'd seriously consider ordering if I were in a city where it was available and I was stuck in a hotel room or something, without room service, which is more and more often the case these days.  Hamburgers, chicken wings, Asian food of various sorts, sure.

Crawdads were a Texas favorite, though not with us.  I mean, I like crawdads, but it wouldn't occur to me to order them for home delivery.


  1. Looking more closely, I see that's bao buns, which I'm only vaguely familiar with from Chinese dim sum places. Definitely not something it would occur to me to order.

  2. ymarsakar10:19 PM

    Wait until drones deliver food and food replicators come out.

  3. Croissants in Oklahoma? Really?
