Thank you, Captain Obvious

It's almost as if an unusually high proportion of inmates didn't share your notion of what's conscionable.

With this guy at the helm, I can't imagine why NYC is having so many problems.  Income redistribution, universal pre-K, free health care for illegal immigrants in a sanctuary city--it shoulda been a paradise!


  1. Gringo4:33 PM

    Back in the day, he was a vocal supporter of the Sandinistas. Has there been ANYTHING he has gotten right? Mayor Bill is the Typhoid Mary of public policy.

  2. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I can't think of anything, but I try to avoid NY news now that I don't have friends living in the area anymore. (Although my good friend had less than kind thoughts about Bloomberg. The 12% real estate tax passed just as she was buying an apartment, and she got caught. I learned some interesting variations on choice Yiddish phrases when I asked her about it.)

