Michael Moore pries one half of one eye open

Say, did you know that electric cars don't get their electricity from unicorns?

Yes, I know all of you did, but poor Michael Moore has just now noticed.  Apparently all that's left is to decimate and then impoverish humans, otherwise we're all going to die, which would be bad, or else good.


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.


  2. Yeah, electrics make sense in areas with lots of hydropower. They make less sense if you’re burning coal.

  3. Well, if you put a windmill on the roof of the electric car, it'll generate its own electricity.

    Eric Hines

  4. raven2:57 PM

    E Hines,
    instead of perpetual motion it generates perpetual stupidity- and it's green stupid- otherwise they would have to dig an open pit stupid mine.

  5. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I'm a conservationist. I support wind chargers (small, house or shop-sized wind turbines), hydropower where it makes sense, solar on a small scale, and nuclear power. I like small, locally-efficient solutions to things. I detest (almost hate) wind farms and massive solar arrays because of the environmental damage they do and the birds and animals that they kill. That's not even considering the resources needed to make and support them.

    Wise use, local solutions, electric cars in big cities. Those make good sense.


  6. I support nuclear. Anyone who promotes "Green Energy" but against nuclear is basically a watermelon. Green on the outside, Red on the inside. By that I mean their goal is not "clean sustainable energy", but is instead the simple destruction of the American/World economy. If you fear a Carbon based climate apocalypse (or claim to), and oppose nuclear power, then you must believe in the rainbow/unicorn power fairy tale (and therefore are likely a child) or you're using the "Global Climate Change" as a cover for your actual beliefs.

  7. It is interesting...the Progs generally approve of all things European. But when it comes to the great job France has done with nuclear power...about 70% of their electricity usage, excellent safety record...they are not impressed.

  8. IF you ignore the problem of energy storage...and IF you ignore the consumption of vast amounts of land and the disfigurement of the landscape...then solar and wind would seem to work fairly well.

    Electricity is different from most commodities in the difficulty and expense of storing it in large amounts for any substantial time period...so, given the almost complete lack of scientific and technical education that most people get, it's not surprising that they could have difficulty comprehending this issue.

    I don't know what their excuse is for ignoring the land use and land disfigurement issues.

  9. It is really strange: France isn't normally on my list of countries doing a bang-up job of public policy, but their nuclear program is exemplary, and yet no one wants to look at it.

  10. Ymar Sakar2:19 PM

    I support emagnetic engines. Internal engine uses the explosive but magnets can do the same job. And magnets last longer
