That's a language warning too, if you look up the acronym. We're getting more of them these days. It's a function of the age.

Trump orders the Navy to sink Iranian gunboats that harass our warships.

Well past time, if you ask me. I'd have done that years ago.


  1. ymarsakar7:11 AM

    The enemy is not Iran or Russia or North Korea. Those are all Visible enemies. Although his rhetoric and policies have changed. From trying to do everything to avoid war with certain nations, now he is talking about Invisible War/invisible enemy.

    Even Pence is doing so to the Space Force cadets. Trum is a showman, so perhaps he is cooking the press goose by standing in front of CNN and telling them there is an Invisible Enemy that USA is at war with (Demoncrat fake news perhaps).

    But what is Pence doing telling military war cadets that are graduating to Space Force, about an Invisible War?

    In terms of analyzing information and gathering correct conclusions, it is not about hidden anonymous private elite "sources". It is about the ability to use open sources and data mine it for the goodies.

  2. ymarsakar7:39 AM


    Trum is actually running his orders on twitter. You get the war campaign info faster that way.

    The gunboat thing was posted 23 hours ago.

    Cutting out the Deep State middlemen that is mind controlling Americans with main sewer control, is an important step prior to release the actual campaign results.

  3. Apparently no one remembers Viet Nam. The South Vietnamese government supplied 1.5 million ground troops. They did most of the fighting and suffered high casualties: 1.4 million total, and around 300,000 dead. We put 550,000 troops on the ground, and we had absolute air and naval supremacy. We suffered almost 60,000 dead and 150,000 wounded. After a decade of fighting, North Viet Nam reunited the country under a communist dictatorship.

    In Iran would would have absolute air and naval supremacy but no allied troops. The Iranian army would retreat into the mountains and grind us down. We would need at least 1,000,000 troops on the ground. That is our entire Army, Marine Corps, and Reserve/National Guard. We would have to draft college students and ghetto blacks. Good luck with either.

    The big problem is Iran's ballistic and cruise missiles and drones. They would inflict severe damage and casualties on our bases and troops and on our allies in the region.

    After a decade or more of fighting, we would go home with our tails between our legs. 200,000 dead Americans; 1,000,000 wounded.

  4. ymarsakar8:13 AM

    It is precisely because people have forgotten the FALSE FLAG Gulf of Tonkin incident that pulled America into the Vietnam war, that is why.

    The Deep State would love for Trum to get tied up in a war with North Korea, China, Iran, or Russia.

    This would freeze the military assets Trum would need to combat the Cabal, the Invisible Enemy he likely is referring to.

    This is End Game. Final War.

  5. ymarsakar8:16 AM

    There are 2 cruise sized hospital ships on the West and East coast of America.

    The assets are being prepped and primed for a war at home, not a foreign invasion overseas.

    Due to the Stafford Emergency laws, a state/governor that calls for Federal and military aid, the US military and Trum has 10 days of operational freedom.

    10 days, for each state.

    Trum continually calls this an "attack". An attack by whom, by what? If it was China, he would have said China was the Invisible Enemy by now. Trum doesn't talk in riddles, far as I know. If he thinks you are attacking him, he is going to lash back at you, X 100.

  6. In Iran would would have absolute air and naval supremacy but no allied troops. The Iranian army would retreat into the mountains and grind us down. We would need at least 1,000,000 troops on the ground.

    It's strange to me that anyone thinks we go all-in invasion or we do nothing. We can sink a few gunboats and leave it at that.

    If Iran declares war officially, who cares? That does not obligate us to invade them. Let them invade us if they want to go that route. They'll need a lot more than a million troops on the ground to accomplish that task, and a lot bigger navy to get them here as well.

    There are a lot more intermediate actions available. If they declare war, we can use that to wipe out their entire air force and navy and take out targets of opportunity on the ground from the air & sea without putting a single ground pounder in the game. We can also seize Iranian oil tankers at sea. Fair game during an officially declared war.

    We can keep doing that until the Iranian regime gets tired of their stuff getting blown up and their oil taken and sues for peace. Decades, a century, whatever. No troops on the ground; no invasion; no occupation; just keep blowing their stuff up from a long way off. Eventually they'll want that to stop.

  7. ymarsakar10:13 AM

    If the world was not run by the Deep State, things could happen as Tom described. However, as with WW1 and WW2, that's not what happens.

    Americans are more and more thinking like Ymar was in 2007. There's an internal faction of traitors and they are at the highest levels of power.

  8. And here I thought it just meant "First and Final Offer." I like your translation better.

  9. Why would we invade, Sykes? Sink their boats, sure.

    Also, North Vietnam did have the advantage of support from China. We never invaded and destroyed North Vietnam, to avoid war with China. There’s no similar dynamic here.

  10. Having a President that would say this *at all*, much less as early as we might have liked, is really quite something in this day and age. We're fortunate.
