Liberties Lost to be Restored

We have much work to do.


  1. Notice something, and it is nearly universal...

    Her concept of the Constitution is: The Bill of Rights.

    As it is for most of us, no?

    Those are Amendments.

    What of the core governance of the document, Articles 1-7?

    A lost secret of the Ancients it seems.

    This is not a small point.

    We have much work to do?

    It's hopeless. Now all we can do is defend the people.

    A system of ordered liberties is not for easily frightened into utter submission by a hyped flu scare.

  2. I have to admit that I am dismayed by the ready abandonment of Constitutional liberties -- and by the eagerness, frankly especially among privileged white women, to see those liberties quashed if liberty conflicts even a little bit with 'keeping everyone safe.'

    If it were a war instead of a pandemic, I would not think 100,000 lives our of 330,000,000 too great a price to ensure the transmission of our liberties to the next generation. It would be the most costly war since World War II, twice as costly as Vietnam, but I would join such a war myself -- and die in it, gladly enough, if it meant preserving liberty.

    We shall have to see.

  3. ymarsakar9:27 AM

    Fear not, it's all going to go sideways and backwards.

    This is not a problem. The Invisible Enemy thinks it has us checkmated. They in truth, only check mated themselves in X months.

    Most of the so called Corona death whatevers in America, are due to other issues but they write C on it for some funding reason. Russia and Sweden and other countries that lack 5g or a lot of testing, are better models to look at.

  4. ymarsakar9:31 AM

    See, this is the distortion and dichotomy that is Ymar. When everyone was celebrating Iraq in 2007, I was of the opposite view. Then again when people were getting better under Trum, I said draining the swamp was not nearly as easy as people thought. And when people thought Obola was the problem, I said that there are thousands just like him ready to take over, Clinton included.

    Now that people think it is a zombie apocalypse, I say it is not. The civil war 2 is not in the future, military operations are already being conducted. Chances are they will win. If only because we are watching over them. Those that are providing support from the shadows that are aware of such at least.

    By the time the "public" wakes up, the campaign will be over one way or another.

    There's a lot of anger projected for September, due to the elections, but it will be like 2001 9 / 11 except backwards or anti polarized.

  5. ymarsakar9:46 AM

    Losing our liberties and the right to provide for ourselves will cause poverty, suicide, murder, chaos and more.

    The Deep State engineers the problem and then gives you a solution : Obedience to Them. This seems strangely familiar to the Leftist alliance modus operandi...

    Fear not.

    Some of us fear those losses more than death.

    The Watchers also look more like this
