Guns are Durable Goods

The British don't seem to grasp that.
Royal bodyguards responsible for keeping the outcast Prince Andrew and a number of other royals safe have had their guns swapped out for cheaper tasers, it has been reported.

The royal protection officers assigned to Princess Anne and Prince Edward have also allegedly lost their firearms as part of a drive to reduce protection costs for minor royals and politicians, the Sun reports.
So you're going to replace the firearm you already paid for with a taser you're buying new? It's not like you have to replace these things very often. Even with regular training fires they last a long time, and can be maintained at relatively low costs.

It's a false economy in another way, too: how much is the ransom for a kidnapped royal going to cost?


  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Let me say now, "Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself".

  2. Heh. What a mystery how this one Prince was killed while his bodyguards only had tasers, eh?

  3. I suspect it's not the cost that's the issue, as your post hints.

  4. Indeed. Rather odd that even if there were good reasons for it, that the information should see the light of day...

  5. Thos.5:24 PM

    What ransom? Have you SEEN how many ****ing royals there are?

  6. I have not. The only one I care about is the Queen, who had her Coldstream Guards play the Star Spangled Banner after 9/11. Sang it herself, and knew the words. So God save the Queen. The rest of them I don’t care about.

  7. ymarsakar9:14 AM

    Ransom would not be much if it is Harry and Meghan.

    The Queen Eliz II, is problematic in many ways.

    So is the British having private cartel members on the US Federal Reserve, which is not Federal. Apparently, it ain't USA either now.

    Counter A: Trum can fire them

    Y: Oh yea. He tried and failed. What part of the US government can he not fire? Hint, Deep State.
