What was their job again?

As we sort through the simultaneous complaints that the President is an autocratic tyrant who's failing to take personal control of enough important American institutions, I turn again to Doc Zero (a/k/a John Hayward):
I also wouldn't fault Trump too much for being surprised to learn the system actually has roadblocks that make quick and effective epidemic response difficult. Would you think, upon succeeding the president in charge during the H1N1 epidemic, that would be the case?
The fascinating thing about the Democrats' "Trump cut CDC funding" lie is that none of them bothered to actually READ the unimplemented White House budget proposal in question. It talked about CDC getting distracted from its core mission by excessive staff and bureaucratic creep.
Everything I've seen so far buttresses that analysis. There really is no excuse for a gigantic government swimming in money, bursting with personnel, and top-heavy with management to be paralyzed unless the chief executive comes in and micro-manages every agency.


  1. When they go back to advocating for gun control we should bring this up again.

  2. ymarsakar10:58 AM

    Based on the principle of Demoncrat projection, I think they mean to say that the Leftists are not taking enough totalitarian control of American institutions using the pandemic as a justification. But they will attempt to. Sorta like how Bush II fought like mad to stop something called Homeland Security, until for whatever reasons, he caved.

    Now we have DHS... haha.
