The FDA Is In This Too

“They could change their rules, but haven’t.”


  1. Ymar Sakar5:18 PM

    They do what they are told to do, grim.

  2. Ymar Sakar5:19 PM

    Food drug admin....

    Hippocrates, let food be your medicine and medicine food.

  3. Ymar Sakar5:32 PM

    What the heavens decreed, neither angel or mankind, can disrupt.

    Let the heavens fall if divine justice sees fit. Pluto saturn jupiter in the capricorn constellation.

    In scripture the 3 magi used virgo the virgin and moon to interpret events. Also the hebrews thought the stars spoke to them.

    Lost knowledge

  4. You could also interpret this as FDA wanting to maintain very good Quality Control on # of cases. I'll take a 3-day delay on reporting--particularly since they are releasing TWO numbers: 'probable' and 'confirmed.'

    The 'probable' gives the patient and his doc the green-light for treatment.

    The reporting is a bit hair-on-fire.....
