The Media Has Gone Mad

It turns out that medicines can kill you if you overdose, which I think everyone in the world knew. Tylenol can destroy your liver, but it's for sale over the counter in every drug store, gas station, and grocery store in America.


  1. Let's definitely ban it. All they needed to know was that Trump "touted" it to be sure it was a bad idea.

  2. Ymar Sakar3:44 PM

    I seriously question the assumption that media zombies were ever non mad. They are tools. They obey orders.

  3. From the cited piece: an kill in dosages as little as two grams. Later on the piece notes that the recommended dose is half that.

    Common sense would indicate that medicines ought not be abused any more than other drugs. But it's been a while since the NLMSM has displayed any hint of sense.

    Eric Hines

  4. Today a neighbor is complaining that we're all going to be treated like guinea pigs. Good heavens, no, I wanted to assure him, you can always refuse treatment with chloroquine. Tell the doctor you're too principled to receive it, and he should give it to the next guy while we wait for months and months for proper confirmation from the FDA (after they've finished experimenting on other guinea pigs). You probably won't get much of an argument.

    But honestly I know better than to post that in my own hometown.
