The Gambler

Rest in peace, Kenny Rogers.

He was one of the fixtures of my youth, which coincided with the height of his career in the place where he was most popular.

UPDATE: I did not realize that he had a career in psychedelic rock, but this famous song was apparently an early hit of his. Some of you 'old rockers' may like it.


  1. Oh yeah, that last one was what I remembered first. In retrospect, I think he was just trying to find work. His heart was in country music of the storytelling kind, which was more important then.

    He could do a variety of styles. I heard him do part of "Ain't No Sunshine" on a trash-sports show in the 80's and loved it immediately. He did a different version later, but close.

  2. Gringo6:44 PM

    Kenny Rogers also spent some time with the New Christy Minstrels- as did Barry McGuire, best known for Eve of Destruction. I saw the New Christy Minstrels in concert, but don't recall the year, so I am not sure if Kenny Rogers was on the stage when I saw them.
