
The French are doing it again.
France went into lockdown on March 17. The administrative state immediately generated an array of bureaucratic forms: a certificate to leave your house to walk the dog or go shopping; a certificate justifying your attendance at work rather than working from home. These certificates are to be carried on your person at all times and produced on demand by the authorities. As of this morning ‘confinement’ is being notched up again. Village and municipal food markets are to shut; leaving your house for shopping or exercise is limited to one hour and can take place no more than one kilometer from your home. The time of departure from your house is to be indicated on a certificate. Any infringement is to be punished by a minimum fine of €135 ($145), which rises to €1,500 ($1,615) for repeat offenders.
Our own experience is mostly that the right response to this business is to eliminate layers of government rather than adding them. Bureaucracy isn't helping, and it isn't helpful.


  1. ymarsakar1:17 PM

    It's helping to end the world status quo.

    World: Why don't you shoot up some place, Ymar, you sound like one of em.

    Ymar: The World will be reformed by the LOGOS of the Divine Plan, but my purpose here is not to act but to observe. In observing, more strategic objectives can be accomplished than with just a single shooter in a world with a population of around 8 billion.

    No, to change a world with 8 billion, we must affect the emotions of 8 billion at once. To do that, spotters, sleeper cells, are more important than shooters.

    For all that the Divine forces are mighty indeed, they do have problems and limitations. Mostly having to do with linear time.

  2. ymarsakar1:21 PM

    Humanity has two choices in the End Game Apocalypse, or Transition to a New Age and the 3 heavens.

    1. Choose service to self at the expense of others.
    2. Choose service to others in harmony with self or at the expense of self.

    There can be no fence sitters. Not this time.

    The sheep will be separated. The wheat will be separated. The worlds will be separated. This is not a Judgment, per say, that is inflicted, but more like a DEMOCRATIC VOTE. You go with what you vote. Your fate is what you vote. And you vote by determining how much fear you buy into and whether you can remain calm under this test.
