Effective presentation

I'm too disgusted to comment further.


  1. Jazz Shaw at HotAir: Wait. We’re going to forgive the debt held by the U.S. Postal Service? Does anyone think that people struggling for breath without a ventilator are losing sleep over same-day voter registration or getting $10,000 knocked off of their student debt? The airlines are in the process of laying off most of their workforce, but you want to include a demand that they reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent?

    If you don’t mind us asking, what in the Sam Hill does any of this have to do with ending the pandemic and making sure everyone doesn’t lose their homes because the economy is shut down?

    Oh, and there were even more liberal goodies buried in there. There’s a provision to require a labor union representative on every airline’s board of directors. And the bill would permanently raise the minimum wage to $15 for any business that receives federal aid for COVID-19. (Credit where due, the Democrats finally got around to at least mentioning COVID-19 in the minimum wage section.)

  2. Dude is right about one thing. Trump has no real opposition right now. He's making the calls that either will or will not work, and it's himself he's going to be judged against rather than any opponent.

    If the virus is in fact anything like exponential in its growth, this will be over long before November.

  3. ymarsakar1:24 PM

    There won't be a normal election by the end of 2020.

    Something else will begin happening.

    Trump has no real opposition right now.

    He's also going to declare emergency power rule from the Stafford Act, which literally makes him a dictator declaring martial law. Although he is doing so to fight the Deep State and will likely suspend elections at the end of the year, because the entire system has become corrupt. He will also step down or die trying.

    If they fail... then it won't matter one way or another, because then we will transition to Ymar's vision of bodies stacked to the moon like cordwood. Either way, works.

  4. ymarsakar1:29 PM

    The Demoncrats have been given orders to hold things down, until the virus has killed a billion plus humans.

    Unfortunately for them... they don't realize that the Deep State's plans have already fallen apart. This virus is in no way capable of doing that many casualties. Every Doomsday button the Deep State pushes, has already been foreseen. I know, it sucks, having to fight factions with the power of gods behind them .it is in no way fair... but hey, that's how the dark ones enslaved humanity, which are called the Others or Satan or the Opponents. Humanity was enslaved because factions and civilizations and entities knew a lot more about how this System worked than primitive humans did.
