Ready for anything

I guess this quantum mechanics prof had gotten one too many anguished calls from nervous students:

Well, shoot, I can't seem to embed a legible version, but you can read it here.


  1. I mean... at a certain point in that chain, I think you're better off dropping the Quantum Mechanics course and learning how to farm and smith. Maybe even take up pottery.

  2. You also can right-click on the image and open it (optimally, "Open Link in New Tab"). That will give a bigger image; mousing over that will let you expand it one more time.

    I recommend a Faraday cage; tubes can be blown, and they do require frequent tuning.

    Eric Hines

  3. Does this mean our homework is still due?

  4. Does this mean our homework is still due?

    Open your notebook and collapse that question.

    Eric Hines

  5. LAUSD is finally getting around to considering some kind of shutdown. It'll be a miracle of any of the teachers could actually switch to online teaching- between their inability to even post grades in a timely fashion to the computerized system, and the likelihood that the online systems will fail (I agree with the good professor- was saying so to my wife earlier today). I don't think they're at all prepared- they hadn't even started thinking about it till about a week ago, and apparently teachers were supposed to discuss this possibility with the kids today, but only one of my two kids teachers said anything about it. I also don't think they've thought about all the second and third order outfall from a decision like this- who stays home with the younger children? What is this going to do to productivity? What's this going to mean to Summer when they have to extend the school year because all the online classes attempts fail? But whatever, they'll have passed the buck to others, so mission accomplished.

  6. Cochran at West Hunter advocates a full-bore but (he hopes) short-term severe lockdown to get R0 under 1.0. Knowing how expensive and disruptive that will be, however, he also favors opening the money spigots wide to find a vaccine or treatment. "Cost is no object: there is no way to spend money on biomedical research that is in any way comparable with the cost of lockdown."

  7. Ymar Sakar1:54 AM

    Crystal tech will be the only effective health and wellness option.

    Quantum manifestation and super position in other words. Crystals or rocks and dna are quantum data storagrs heheh.

    This is for all those people that thoihht 1970s leftists and tree huggers were crystal ball users. Try adding ymar to that mental image, as i break all things.
