Feel the Bern

In spite of sequential drubbings by the Democratic machine, Bernie will stay in and force Biden to debate.


  1. Gringo2:28 PM

    Will Bernie bring up Joe's frequent gaffes, which more and more seem to
    be an indication of declining mental capacity?

    Will Bernie bring up Joe's enabling corrupt behavior in his family?

    Will Bernie bring up Joe's attack on a voter who brought up the Second Ameendment, informing the voter the Joe has always been a big supporter of the Second Amendment. You know, the same Joe who recently told us that Beto would be his point man on firearms. You know, the Beto who talked of mass confiscations of arms?

    I would bet that Bernie will not.

  2. You're probably right, though I think Bernie's gone farther than ever towards making the kind of attacks that would really hurt Biden. I don't know that bringing up Hunter would be a good look in a Democrat debate but I could see attacking him from his work for MBNA in the past.

    Simply forcing Biden into a lengthy public appearance will potentially highlight his decline.

  3. He’s actually given his list of questions. They’re all on progressive ideology.

    But if Biden can’t debate one on one for hours, it’ll be very obvious. Mental acuity will be tested.

  4. We've already seen him fade in the last half-hour of 90 minute multiple participant debates.

    And: Will Bernie bring up Joe's attack on a voter who brought up the Second Ameendment...? Sanders has already expressed his sentiments about going after an opponent's failures: The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. It'll be the same on Biden's contempt for a voter. Sanders won't bring it up.

    Eric Hines
