Privacy and Elites

Now this is an essay worth discussing.


  1. His solution is that the elites need to change to earn back their prestige. I differ. We need to stop looking to them. They were never worthy of our admiration, not as a group. The elites have both the admirable and the unworthy among them, with most in-between.

    Now, I wouldn't mind the elites trying to earn back their prestige.

  2. Ymar Sakar12:15 PM

    I am going to get rid of the elites.

    Or put them in their proper place

  3. It takes two to make an 'elite': the person--who is typically a self-promoter--and a publicity machine, whether MSM or private-contract.

    IOW, in the beginning is zero humility.

  4. There are going to always be “elites.” Consequently, I see nothing particularly controversial in encouraging them to improve their character. We should all, regardless of station, seek to improve our character. None of us are perfect. We have all made mistakes.

    That said, I would like to see the return of a particular “elite;” what G.K. Chesterton called “the aristocrat of Old Dixie.”

    “The world will need, and need desperately, the particular spirit of the landowner who will not sell his land, of the shopkeeper who will not sell his shop, of the private man who will not be bullied or bribed into being part of a public combination; of what our fathers meant by the free man. And we need the Southern gentleman more than the English or French or Spanish gentleman. For the aristocrat of Old Dixie, with all his faults and inconsistencies, did understand what the gentleman of Old Europe generally did not. He did understand the Republican ideal, the notion of the Citizen as it was understood among the noblest of the pagans. That combination of ideal democracy with real chivalry was a particular blend for which the world was immeasurably the better; and for the loss of which it is immeasurably the worse. It may never be recovered; but it will certainly be missed.” (Come to Think of It; Chapter 36; 1930).

    We need more of that kind of elite!

  5. Ymar Sakar3:30 PM

    My task group told me i needed to brief people here about certain terms. Why... that i do not know. I guess it may be due to a lurker that is part of the alliance of anti cabal.

    Basically a light god is an archangel or angel of service to other. Think of the positive pole of a magnet. They oppose the dark gods, the angels of the opposition aka satan, because they have a disagreement. No, it is not about resources or power although that is a piece. Their chief disagreement is whethet the council of saturn us tyrannical or benevolent.

    Should all spirits love and obey the creator? Heyl el and satan àgreed to test this out. From this curiosity, grew a block problem that remained unsolved. Nit even the creator would solve it as it involves breaking divine rules.

    Earth turns out to be a proxy battlefield. Just as usa vs ussr used vietnam as a proxy war.

    The dark utilize a compact, same as cain. Murder, steal, loot, and agree to split the soils while protecting each other. This is not chaotic evil. This is civilized.

    Most of the civilizations eisenhower and reagan knew about were not devils or angels or aliens. None of those terms are accurate.

    Advanced civilizations. That is all they are. They are not source creator or even the christ. They are up a few grades in school. Earth is slightly above 3rd grade. The other civs are 6th grade to 11th grade.

    Overseeing this entire divine system is a council of 9. These are not people but principles,aeons even.

    They are supported by 24 divine civs. Each divine civ has children and client civs.

    Earth is a strategic bottleneck. When human governments made trade deals to get tech, this was cause they though getting more tech would protect humanity...

    Cabal<4th draconians<5th draco gods,<6th super gods < archangels <almighty most high

    So thr cabal are just tools.

    I have read human sci fi miliatry dramas. I know how people will react. But it is pointless.

    A 6th density dark or light god can create suns or destroy them. There is a protection around eartg peopke found in op fishbowl.

  6. Ymar Sakar3:39 PM

    There is no point in fighting. Even america s best effort is insufficient to catch up. Because their technology is not materialistic based. It is based on spirit. Ahigher physics.

    That is why they dont want to fight. Because if they fought, they would easily crush usa like an ant. But what about the dark forest of hostile civs, mil analysts wonder. Well they do exist and yes they are hostile. Demonic spirits? Worse. Think an empire run by satan and they harvest souls and fear pain as their pron food.

    The tech trade was a trap. Their tech polarizes you to negative band which puts you under them as a client civ. They know the divine rules, humanity does not. Those offering tech are the most hostile. Those refusing to share tech, the most suitable as allies.

    I am not a corey goode. My configuration is better at grand strategy.

    So stop stoking uo fear here. It just fuels the technology of the dark. If yiu want yo know how a dark civ runs, imagine your elite pedo rings with the power if demi gods.

  7. It takes two to make an 'elite': the person--who is typically a self-promoter--and a publicity machine, whether MSM or private-contract.

    I disagree. The two are not enough. It also takes someone (a foolish someone, I claim) willing to buy what the fawning MSM (or The One's outlet) is peddling and accept the proclaimed eliteness of The One.

    If an Elite is touted and no one is listening, is he really elite? Not a bit.

    Eric Hines

  8. Ymar Sakar5:16 PM

    Resistance is futile. You will be harvested into a collective for your unique qualities. Isn t that what the dark told you to make usa afraid...

    Well, strangely enough it is a combination. It is not as dark as the dark forest novel but not as light as some of the diplomats communicated. A synthesis.

    Also, stop using ancient aliens on history channel. That stuff is half joke, half reality tv. Best to avoid it for analysts. Focus on individuals like adm byrd. Humans can trust humans to be humans. Let the gods battle ragnarok. Just kill the deep state, without collateral casualties.

  9. You're right, Eric. I forgot about the Sheep.
