To Hear the Lamentations of the Women

Specifically, Ms. Kara Swisher, and one other she cites below.
Who won? Who knows? Which is not exactly how the Democrats want to start off these critical primaries. This looks more like my octogenarian mom when her New York Post app does not load correctly than a political party leaning into the future.

This reminds me of another Democratic tech snafu: the debut of the glitch-laden and over-budget Obamacare website, technically called

There was the hashtag #MayorCheat, alleging links between Pete Buttigieg and the company that built the app for the caucuses, Shadow — Could it have a worse name? No, it could not! — and also its funder, a Democratic digital strategy operation called Acronym.... As the writer Maura Quint noted on Twitter: “Feels like you can ask people to trust the process or you can name your election companies Acronym and Shadow like they’re rival gangs of supervillains in a movie where Spiderman teams up with G.I. Joe to save Manhattan, but you can’t do both.”
With 62% of the votes allegedly now being accurately reported, #MayorCheat is very slightly in the lead (in delegates; Sanders leads the popular vote). So-called "Frontrunner" Biden barely made viability. Warren is in third, not very far above Biden but comfortably viable.


  1. Gringo5:45 PM

    One of the NYT links is "The Joy of Cooking Naked." I find it hard to take seriously a paper which publishes something so silly. Oh well, guess that's the way things are rolling. Monty Python: Election Night with the Silly Party.

  2. As far as Python goes, I've seen remarks to the effect that strange women distributing swords is looking better than ever as a means of selecting a government.

  3. It sure looks like they kept laboriously adding precincts until they could say Biden crept over the 15% line.

  4. Pelosi seemed to have some lamentations herself, albeit formalized.
