Sorting out the front-runners

People are beginning to suggest this week that it's a race between Sanders and Biden to oppose Trump.  There are signs the D establishment will pull out all the stops to kneecap Sanders in favor of Biden, the theory being that they're comfortable with Biden's crony capitalism but terrified of Sanders heartfelt (though reckless) anti-capitalism.

Here's how I frame the approach of the three candidates:  Biden is a true-blue crony capitalist.  Sanders despises the "capitalist" part of that equation, while Trump is at least skeptical of the "crony" part.

To adopt a different spectrum of organization:  on a scale of enthusiasm for centralized command-and-control economies, Bernie is all in for control by an enlightened socialist elite, Biden favors control by cronies, and Trump genuinely prefers a more free market with distributed control in the hands of as many ordinary Americans as possible.


  1. Warren was supposed to split the difference before she went all-in on identity politics. That's what she gets for listening to Hillary.

  2. Half the voters hate her for when she used to be a Wall St. capitalist, and the other half hate her for being a Marxist now.
