Last Train From Wuhan

A reporter gets aboard. But isn’t that where the story is?


  1. Gringo10:39 PM

    The reporter wanted to report the news, but didn't want to become part of the news.

  2. One can hardly blame them, really. I felt great joy at finally leaving China even without a plague. I can still remember the pleasure of feeling the jet shake free of the runway at Shanghai-Pudong airport, bound for the USA.

  3. Ymar Sakar8:29 PM

    China is now a communist western hybrid of capitalism. Although some of the traditions still exist away from cities.

    Sorta like with usa. From inside, people have patriotism and nationalism. So do maoist indoctrinated china.

    People outside can see it. But the majority billion was raised on state education to reveere uncle mao.

    Go to taiwan and tai chi, baghua, xin yi for the ancient. The book 10 methods of the heavenly dragon by robert scheaffer, is a good view.
