Oh, Rampant Dishonesty

Apparently the lady has a history.


  1. ymarsakar6:49 AM


    I was going over what humanity has recently uncovered from whistleblowers and those with a military background were willing to share. The veterans here might be interested in the meat of this source's credentials.

    What made conspiracy land hard to believe for most mainstream Americans was the lack of Authority and credentials. It was usually (due to the CIA) some hippy doing crazy stuff, making claims about fire not melting steel haha. Those would be almost notoriously easy to dismiss, childishly so even.

    William Tompkins is the ex Naval guy in question. Corey Goode would be the civilian whistleblower counter part.

    As for me, do I believe everything that comes out of the mouths of humans? No. But it is entertaining at least, and certainly useful for intel analysis.

  2. ymarsakar7:04 AM

    Since it is already being published, higher chain of command allows me to talk about this now, I suppose.

    Hey, at least somebody else will get into a "car accident" before me, since they were the ones who put that stuff out there. So I have a good "warning flag" at least, haha.

    You also need those types of insurances when dealing with the CLintons or other Deep Staters.

    A lot of people wonder why or even how the Deep State came into existence. They only heard about it, as they did with ALt Right, from fake news plus Clinton. When the movement gets too big and needs to be suppressed, the main sewer media gets their orders to suppress them, just as the IRS does. But this time, it didn't work, due to the ALt Right media and sources. Then Trum came along and said "you are fake news", using the original accusation that Fox News was Faux/Fake News lol.

    I love digging up the untold history of nations and narratives, that people don't like talking about. It's like an addiction, watching people's reactions to the truth. Or at least, a truth that is no longer protected by Armstrong's layers of protection (his quote).

    As for the person mentioned in the article, they are so low on the totem pole that I wouldn't spend any time analyzing them. They are just too low on rankings. It's like trying to analyze a war strategy by looking at what the privates are doing on their off time. Maybe it is useful...
