Florida naval base shooting

We may never know the motive of this young man, Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani.


  1. Or as Ace puts it, "'We may never know his motive,' they vowed."

  2. The King of Saudi Arabia assures us that his people hold us in the highest regard.

  3. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Interestingly, the subject today in one of the classes that I team-teach was the history of Islamism (very broad overview/intro.) Including jihad and the so-called "lesser jihad" doctrine.


  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7764063//Naval-Air-Station-Pensacola-Florida-lockdown-reports-active-shooter.html?__twitter_impression=true

    The Daily Mail reports that six Saudis have been arrested for questioning, including 3 who allegedly filmed the lone-wolf attack attack that we totally have no reason to think was Islamofascism of any kind. I can't find a similar report in any U.S. press outlet, so I'll wait to see what's up tomorrow.

  5. There’s competing information. Here’s a thread by a more-or-less reliable journalist trying to get the facts.


  6. "Investigators have found what purports to be an online screed written by the shooter and are working to determine if it is legitimate. In it, the writer expresses hatred toward Americans because of crimes against Muslims and humanity as well as US support for Israel." https://abc7chicago.com/pensacola-shooting-suspect-was-saudi-student;-4-dead-officials/5737135/

  7. The NYT is echoing the Daily Mail UK report that 3 Saudis are being questioned about their filming the incident from its inception. The NYT doesn't disclose its source. The New York Post picked up the same report, but evidently is relying entirely on the NYT.

    As Mark Steyn says, "Allahu Akbar" is Arabic for "Nothing to see here, move along."

    Now, if the gunman had had a picture of a Confederate flag in his wallet, we could confidently ascribe a motive, and no doubt add it to the articles of impeachment as violence deliberately instigated by the bad man.

  8. ymarsakar7:25 AM

    I looked into both state christianity's holy war crusades and Islamic Jihad's Caliphate waged holy wars. They were both pretty much horribad humans running amok.

    I know the circle the wagon Western response is to paint the crusades as being a defensive war for pilgrims and christian holy sites... that made sense up until the Roman Crusaders sacked Constantinople and started roasting christian children for food.
