Jigsaw puzzles

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The Obama holdover heading the Pentagon office reportedly under investigation by the U.S. attorney who is conducting the criminal probe of the Trump–Russia investigation was accused of leaking a classified document, in a recent court filing for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. The connection hasn't been previously reported.
According to a Nov. 21 report by independent journalist Sara Carter, U.S. Attorney John Durham is questioning personnel in the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment (ONA). ONA awarded about $1 million in contracts to FBI informant Stefan Halper, who appears to have played a key role in alleged U.S. intelligence agency spying on 2016 Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.
In addition, however, a court filing indicates that ONA's director, James H. Baker, "is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls" to The Washington Post. Specifically, the filing states, "ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius."
The filing adds that Baker "was Halper's 'handler'" at ONA.

From Epoch Times (possible paywall) via Ace.


  1. The Office of Net Assessment has a great job -- it's their business to think through where war is likely to go in the future, and plan long-range strategies for addressing those developments.

    In other words, a very odd place for this activity. I guess nobody would be looking for it, though.

  2. ymarsakar7:27 PM

    Grim and others may not have noticed this, but the last President, Hussein, retracted the propaganda law that prevented the US military from utilizing psychops against the American people. I notice this because I was one of those that said Bush II should be using the military's assets in the propaganda war in the States, and Grim accurately noted that there is a law against that. Well, apparently, Hussein removed the limitation via Executive writ, rather early on. So America has been, de facto, under a Deep State military industrial complex psych ops campaign for the last oh.... what was it 2009 to 2019 by now. 10+ years, yes.

  3. ymarsakar7:27 PM

    I guess nobody would be looking for it, though.

    If they were less paranoid and less suspicious than Ymar, they would have easily bought the excuses.
