In Praise of Censure

Writing in The Hill, a former Republican Congressional staffer offers a proposal: Censure the President rather than impeaching him.

He has a number of arguments in favor of doing this, one of which is important: Nancy Pelosi would get to control the process, rather than turning it all over to the Republican-led Senate. That would allow the Congressional Democrats to escape from the trap they have built for themselves by staging this drama on Ukraine, where not only Joe Biden but Nancy Pelosi herself, along with John Kerry and Mitt Romney, have children with sweetheart deals from energy companies. If this goes to a Senate trial, there's the potential for humiliating blowback once the Republicans are in charge of who gets called as a witness and what they are asked.

He also suggests that a censure might be bipartisan, though he himself wouldn't vote for it. Of course, we have already had a bipartisan vote on this: some Democrats voted against opening the impeachment inquiry, after all.


  1. It's too late for Censure; it became too late when Pelosi surrendered to Nadler, Schiff, and the center of the House Progressive-Democrat caucus and let them begin their impeachment charade. Now, after the failure of Schiff's inquisition (whether it's a failure solely from not changing any voter minds or a failure because Schiff's personally selected witnesses could present not a single iota of evidence of an impeachable event), any move less than impeachment will be a humiliating failure.

    The impeachment move was doomed to ultimate failure because the Progressive-Democrats don't control the Senate; they don't even have a majority there. The caucus knew that when they began their parade.

    That makes the impeachment drive a mind-numbingly stupid move. Or it never has been about impeachment, which makes Censure, even were that a political possibility, wholly irrelevant.

    Eric Hines

  2. Maybe. I notice Pelosi decided to spend the week in Spain, very far from the impeachment inquiry in the House.

  3. ymarsakar7:22 PM

    It's a stalking horse. THey are hoping the Deep State's dark gods come to the rescue of these inbattered Demoncrats. However, sadly for them but good for me, the Divine Fleet reinforcements have already cut out or wiped away their false gods, as well as blocked off access to the gods of their false gods.

    Heh. Many do not even realize why their C4 has crumbled and been broken apart/hijacked by the US Naval/Space Marines. How can they? Does anyone even understand what I am writing about... the OPSEC is deep, too deep to penetrate for even the best. They are an army on their last legs, logistically, a million man army, with not a single supply train or supply route available. They will die, and on the vine at that. Even if I lift not a single finger, they are already defeated.

    Which is why the panicking of American patriots over their elections or whatever they think matters now, is meaningless. For the Norse, Ragnarok is almost here. For christians, it would be the false rapture or Revelations.
