Permanent Coup

Ymar recommended this piece by Matt Taibbi, who has been a reasoned voice these last few years. I think he's got good insights here. One of them is that, as bad as Trump is -- I go back and forth on how bad I think that is, but this week he's not in my good graces -- his opponents are much more dangerous to our liberty and way of life. How much more?
...also a bold new foray into domestic politics by intelligence agencies that in recent decades began asserting all sorts of frightening new authority. They were kidnapping foreigners, assassinating by drone, conducting paramilitary operations without congressional notice, building an international archipelago of secret prisons, and engaging in mass warrantless surveillance of Americans. We found out in a court case just last week how extensive the illegal domestic surveillance has been, with the FBI engaging in tens of thousands of warrantless searches involving American emails and phone numbers under the guise of combating foreign subversion....

The real problem would be the precedent of a de facto intelligence community veto over elections, using the lunatic spookworld brand of politics that has dominated the last three years of anti-Trump agitation.
Yes, we are already seeing the spectacle of Congress trying to remove the President based on the secret testimony of unnamed CIA officers. That's not acceptable, no matter in how much regard one holds the CIA, and no matter what kind of louse the President might be. At an absolute minimum, the officer needs to bite the bullet and testify to the American people in his or her own name, and tell us why we should accept the removal of our elected President over intelligence concerns.


  1. ymarsakar12:44 PM

    We had long arguments between the Trum supporters in 2015, at NeoNeocon's blog, vs the Romney or "Not Trum" backers.

    The Alt Right was, well, predictably for Trum, and the Tea Party didn't like being stomped on by the IRS so when they ehard Trum was going to stomp on somebody or clean out the swamp or wasn't gonna be PC about calling women "pigs"... they were okay with that. They wanted blood, to be honest.

    I can understand that.

    **For those interested in my latest analysis of the Civil War 2 inevitable conflict in the USA, read below, otherwise ignore and carry on the fight. Years or months ago...

    IF the NRA membership list gets hacked or “legally” revealed, and members get doxxed and harassed, there really will be a CW2.--Aesop

    My analysis has it different.

    CW2 will officially begin similar to how CW1 started.

    First, there will be some ideological and political differences. Then one faction will consolidate their position using free votes, totalitarianism, and religious controls. Then they will find a dissident faction, like the Latter Day Saints, and try to start a war with them, before secession. Then when the enemies weaken themselves by fighting each other, the real operation will kick off.

    Then and only then, will it be feasible to light up the Ft Sumter operation.

    The more I look at it, the more the War of Utah 1857 was a brilliant operation conducted to weaken the Union, by getting the Union involved in a war with a US territory, Utah, that hadn’t become a state. Once that happened, the idea of other States liking the Union will decrease, as they will be afraid that their State will be next. Even if it failed, which the war did as Brigham Young had some kind of in depth brilliant tactical response aided by diplomatic and strategic long term payouts, it was still known as Buchanan’s Blunder. And it still pulled an entire Union division off the front line of the DC, Virginia, fields.

    That is a brilliant strategy worthy of Lucifer (Satan, Lucifer is not Satan as I discovered). It’s hard to believe frail mortal humans came up with that all on their own. The god known as YHVH also has his hand in this, apparently. There’s some freakishly strange coincidences that tend to happen in this country when the gods fight amongst themselves for their believers, using proxy wars.

    The entire Leftist alliance are patsies. Both the SJW cannonfodder at the bottom and the elite WHRONGs at the top. Even if the US patriots kill off all of them, they won’t win the CW2. Unfortunately, the reason is because there are other factions waiting to backup the Left or to reinforce the war.

    The Islamic Jihad, surely people haven’t forgotten who HRC’s AIDE WAS. (Add in Turkey, China, Russia, etc)

    The Deep State, surely people aren’t naive enough to think that the Leftist alliance is stronger than the DS.

  2. ymarsakar12:48 PM

    I don't necessarily like or dislike, agree or disagree with what Matt T wrote. He just writes in a good pov. One I had soon after 2007.

    To illustrate what it is like, imagine you are going on keyboard warrioring over Iraq war and domestic economic policies, when all of a sudden some indisputable but mysterious source tells you that there is a threat so potent to America, that nobody can even talk about it, and that it concerns internal traitors and the Left.

    What would you do? Well, what most people did in 2015 was do a lot of research, read a bunch of news articles, panic, and start getting defensive and conspiratorial and paranoid and basically like how Ymar got after 2007.

    I know. I was there. 10 years before this happened to most people online, I was already there.

    This is old news to me. It has ALL been war gamed through before. Not by all the factions, just by the master minds.

    It's not that the author is right or wrong. It is that they are THINKING of the right things at the right time. It's Inevitable Civil War and everything it means for Factionalism.

  3. ymarsakar12:56 PM

    People actually thought electing Trum would stop my civil war prophecy, and prophecy it was and is and will be.

    If humanity or even just Americans had repented... but... Trum is not repentance. Trum is VICTORY, America First. Me First. All of you, get out of my way or else you will get twitter stomped.

    Obey the State.

    Or kill the State. Or do whatever, it doesn't matter much.

  4. and tell us why we should accept the removal of our elected President over intelligence concerns.

    Unless that agent--and his superiors--have intel-concerns that the President is shoveling intel to confirmed enemies of the US, that agent will have to spend a long, long, long, time convincing the public that CIA is a better elector than the electorate.

    (Reminds me of that line about 'We'll have to replace the voters...')

    Easier job: convince the public that Hillary should be imprisoned for life for the LICIT intel concerns.

  5. ymarsakar9:24 AM

    At an absolute minimum, the officer needs to bite the bullet and testify to the American people in his or her own name, and tell us why we should accept the removal of our elected President over intelligence concerns.

    I really have to wonder what the DS oligarchs think they are doing. If they really wanted to remove Trum, he would be deader than JFK right now.

    So what are they going?

    Apparently, there's some kind of proxy war going on. And the seat of the President is no longer important. I really have to wonder what the Enemy/Satan's end game is, although I know many pieces and parts, I do not work for the secret combinations and societies. If I did... they would be in a lot better strategic position.

  6. ymarsakar9:37 AM

    Principalities in biblical times was known as a state ruled by a prince, governor or satrap and was usually a relatively small state or a state that falls within a larger state or nation such as in the Roman Empire. It can be that which holds or has held rule over a population that is either republics or principalities. Taken as it is, a principality can have dominion within the confines of a larger dominion or rule.

    Powers are those that hold power within a kingdom, a principality, or even an empire. This could be wielded by kings or emperors, like King Nebuchadnezzar held absolute power over the kingdom of Babylon. For example, a local power means to have the ability or capacity to act or do something effectively exerting control, influence, creating and enforcing laws or authority over a people or nation.

    We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers of darkness. By we, I don't mean the Royal Divine 'We' but the collective "American/Western/human" we.

    These links adequately explain some of the mysteries behind what Paul was going on about. I like all the Hebrew names better, although Paul's Greek name spelling I cannot recall without linking to the Cepher site.

    On the Pseudepigraphal works of Sha’ul (The Apostle Paul)
