Youths who need to turn their lives around

Minneapolis's city council openly blames police for any street violence that might be said to discourage taxpayers from coming downtown to spend money.
Even in the wake of the most recent homicides and other violent incidents, City Council members are clinging to their leftist illusions. Thus, one Council member says the Council is trying to do “a better job with our youth violence intervention strategies to support the youth who are in the downtown area between 9:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.” I don’t think most residents believe the problem is that criminals who are wandering the streets in the middle of the night lack “support.”
And they'll probably want federal tax money support when their downtown sports arenas fail because all those terrible racists refuses to drive in from the suburbs any more.

I worked with a woman who was sexually abused in youth by her brother.  Years later she summoned up the courage to upbraid her mother for turning a blind eye.  "Oh, that's awful," her mother agreed.  "I wish I had known about it at the time.  I could have gotten help for your brother."


  1. Gringo6:43 PM

    The City Council members who claim that the police aren't providing enough "support" for the youths who are downtown at the wee hours of the morn should volunteer their help during that time to show the police what should be done.

  2. Paul Kersey refers to the US as Black Run America.

  3. I don't go looking for places to bring up the data that the black violent crime rate is about ten times that of whites, five times that of Hispanics. But it simply has to be brought up every time someone blames innocent teachers and police who are doing the work and trying to create improvements. If one can't look at the truth, then one will have to find someone innocent to blame.

    I don't like having to look at it either. But the other choice is to blame innocent teachers and police.

  4. ymarsakar10:37 AM

    Epigenetics is when scientists figure out there really is a generational curse brought on by the sins of the fathers. Although it only lasts until diluted by 3 or 4 generations.

    However, if the environment itself is constantly resetting matters and reapplying the same "sin" or violation/crossbow aim miss to each new generation of blacks and others, then obviously it will go haywire more. What's the excuse for Mexicans, that they aren't as violent as blacks? Of course they have their gang problems... but their family structure negates the generational sin, to a certain extent.

    The old prophets talked about getting the message from YHVH that there will be a consequence when the sin ripens or the iniquity ripens. When it grows full. One generation or 2 generations of single mothers having 6 children by 6 different fathers isn't enough for it to ripen. Just wait for it, wait for the next and the next, and after that point, the Genetic Experimentation that is mankind, needs an intervention or otherwise the whole structure will fall down due to "epigenetics".

  5. ymarsakar10:40 AM

    The other proof in the pudding is that genetically Africans, also part of a crazy land filled with generational sin and violence, don't have the same issues as American bred and born blacks, when they get inside the United States.

    It's a different vibration genetically speaking. These aren't Academic Africans either. One Nigerian professor I had, talked about sitting on his field with a shotgun and rifle, ready to chase off and or kill people coming into his field to get his stuff, and he is relatively rich as a land owner in Africa. So these aren't "soft" African academics, when juxtaposed against the "hardcore" dominating black African American "experience".

    This is why Slavery 2.0 could only have ever been a Satan project. The point is to prevent the genetics from getting to the point where the Holy Spirit can dwell in the temple (body) because the body is too contaminated.

  6. "And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!"

  7. "Oh, that's awful," her mother agreed. "I wish I had known about it at the time. I could have gotten help for your brother."

    It's been several days since you posted this, but I still don't know what to say.

  8. Ymar Sakar12:04 PM

    I know what to say.

    You will need a longer debriefing than usual by your spirit guides aftee this body dies.

  9. My friend grew into an unusually sane and resilient woman, while both her mother and brother were basket cases in later life--in large part because they never looked life's facts in the face, while she always did. She didn't let it ruin her life that all the people who were most powerful in her early life let her down so profoundly. She didn't nourish resentment. But she doesn't accept BS, either. I'm looking forward to seeing her in a few weeks at a small gathering of my colleagues from 20 years ago.
