That Doesn't Make Any Sense

The Sage of Knoxville runs some speculation on what's going on with this Ukraine business.
“Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire,” read the headline on the article by Kenneth P. Vogel and David Stern. “Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton,” said the subhead of the article, which was published shortly before Mr. Trump’s inauguration.

The authors reported that Ukrainian government officials “helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers” with the goal of “advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia.”

With the benefit of hindsight and the results of the Mueller investigation, it’s now clear that there was no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia. What is not clear and what demands further investigation is how this baseless claim managed to consume the first two years of an American presidency.
We need to get to the bottom of this — and the fear that we will is why the Democrats and their press enablers are getting so crazy.
If all the bodies are buried in Ukraine, why would they be impeaching Trump on a Ukraine question? Why not pick anything else, since apparently the facts aren't that important to the question of whether or not to impeach -- after all, Pelosi didn't want to wait one day for the transcript before announcing the launch of her inquiry. Impeach him on emoluments, let everyone argue about whether foreign diplomats electing to stay in his hotel provides some kind of illicit bribery. For goodness sake, don't lead the media's gaze over to Ukraine. Americans are pretty insular, and won't look at faraway nations with foreign languages if you don't make them look.

Yet they clearly chose to do so, and went to some trouble to do it.


  1. ymarsakar10:52 PM

    Let's take a step back and realize something.

    All these actors... are just tools. Meaning what Americans think of as the Deep State, the heads and bureaucrats of the CIA/FBI, are just cannonfodder.

    There are two primary factions in the DS, the Cabal vs the Alliance. Both are capable of ordering the white and black hats in the CIA/FBI around.

    This is not so easy a civil war. They are actually involved in a war, although who is losing what assets is debatable. Trum is backed by the alliance, but he is still Deep State. He serves a purpose in the clandestine, secret combination, black ops budget programs that have been running for decades.

    If the DS runs a false flag using Demoncrats as fodder... well, that would be good tactics.

  2. Using the Democrats as fodder is good for another reason: they like to finance baby-killing.

    Grim, you'll notice that Nancy Pelosi has a very interesting office-girl in today's news...

  3. ymarsakar10:26 AM

    DC and Utah, for some reason, are known for their Masonic-child trafficking circles. Well, known to those of us with certain sources on the inside and outside.

    I say Masonic, but it's more like any kind of secret organization or cabal, tends to end up with the DS Cabal somehow. The Masons themselves started out as a good organization (sorta like Bedford's KKK). Over time, a bunch of shenanigans happened, as usual. It got hijacked by the Vatican as well as by every real Satan manipulator out there, and these factions aren't necessarily always going towards the same goals.

    As for DC, the CIA/FBI have known contacts in the Vice and child trafficking rings. Normally, they would have been told a long time ago to leave Trum alone, at least not until the Cabal can slam down an assassination full proof, Byzantine backstab style. However, the CIA/FBI (we'll just call them that for now), feels like they got the initial orders to suppress Donald but... when the Alliance kinetic and covert strikes hit the Cabal, the Cabal lost their C4 connection to the Demoncrats in DC.

    Now they are a wild, unshaped, weapon out of control, set to their former parameters. However, if the stories and rumors are true, the Alliance has already "terminated" several Cabal cells, eliminated several undercover bases, and just plain killed a whole bunch of the Cabal's C4 chain. C4 meaning Command, Control, Computers, Communication.

    The white hats in the government bureaus don't know anything. They obey their Orders. The Leftist alliance, as I said before, obeys their orders.

    Even if those orders are now coming from the Alliance, who has taken over as significant part of the Cabal's C4 chain. And the Cabal doesn't seem like they want to advertise their existence, which they could easily do if they wanted to recontact their cannonfodder in DC. Are they dead? Are they on the run? Who knows. Not even the US President is cleared for that intel.

  4. I believe that to people like Reps. Tlalib, Ocasio-Cortez and their ilk people such as Speaker Pelosi are nearly as bad as Pres. Trump, and they're perfectly happy to burn it all down. I'm sure they figure that they will end up in charge of building their vision of the new America on the ashes.

  5. Grim, to attempt to answer your question by my own somewhat informed speculation.

    Any other topic is either so esoteric to be useless as a charge(emoluments) or brings them much too close to the real scandal of the surveillance of the Trump campaign. Part of the reason that Mueller closed off the Russia, Russia, Russia hysteria with the flat statement that no US persons conspired with Russians to affect the election was because there was no Russian involvement, period. Every contact that was supposed to link the Trump campaign to Russian assistance was an entrapment op run by either the IC community or Fusion GPS, and then the Trump campaign was so disorganized that they couldn't figure out how to use the 'help' that was offered.

    The Ukraine is the only place they have a legitimate justification for contacting foreign IC and law enforcement due to Manafort's involvement with the Ukraine and Trump's campaign. Even though the GOP may scream about double standards this really is their only play at this point

  6. I'm certainly no expert, but I would point out that the past behavior would suggest that Trump's enemies like to choose familiar waters because they know where the rocks are. But as it turns out, they suck at navigation.

    From my point of view, the Ukraine is just the MacGuffin in this film.

  7. Remember how Trump always said he'd be happy to give up his tax returns after he was audited, but also mentioned that he's *always* audited? I suspect that he's actually very fastidious about adhering to the law, figuring that someone is always out to get him (and he's right). He'll skirt the edges of legality, say outrageous things that may be illegal when spit-balling(and may have other reasons for that), but all the business dealings and lawsuits and no one ever turned up a crime? At some point he may have realized that he's cleaner than many politicians, and so actually could come in and weather the storm and attempt to "drain the swamp". That would certainly give him a place in the history books, also something I'm sure he's concerned with.

    All just loose theory, but my gut says there's a there there.

  8. @D29 — I saw that at your place. Wild.
