
So why is this true?
Those in the third group are Democratic primary voters who describe themselves as moderate to conservative. This group has the largest number of minorities; it is 26 percent black, 19 percent Hispanic, 7 percent other nonwhites, and it has the smallest percentage of whites, at 48 percent.
The more progressive parts of the party are also the most white. Why is that true?

AVI raises a variation of the point he's often raised that is relevant on this topic. It's an unexplored area in our public discourse, but it does seem to hold true internationally as well as nationally.


  1. It's probably unPC to mention this but this reminds of an analysis from the 2008 Democrat primary that showed Obama as more popular than Hillary in states with fewer minorities, unless minorities were a majority of Democrats. 'Anti-racism' is a fundamental part of progressive politics and it is virtually cost free virtue signalling in all white areas.

  2. Because virtue signaling is about fashion, not substance.

  3. Tex, that last point is correct, and also speaks to why it's so important to say something that breaks the fashionable trend- people will often move back to sanity away from 'the fashionable take' on something if they only have an indication they won't be alone in that position. We have to provide the weaker (socially speaking) among us some cover for moving away from the 'fashionable' position.

  4. @ douglas - Yes, I sometimes think in terms of "creating space" for others. It doesn't have to be much, nor any victory, justt enough to give them some reassurance.

    When I have done that, I have found support from surprising quarters at time.
