Spirituality and Such

A set of meditations from Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson (h/t Wretchard).


  1. I wasn't familiar with the name. I read a few of her meditations. I don't think I'm a better person for it.

  2. I think Tulsi should name Marianne as her veep running mate.

    Has anyone noticed that Google gives (top five) botanical rather than political results if you type only "Tulsi" into their search bar?

  3. Ymar Sakar5:05 PM

    I have half way completed a course in miracles. She is definitely not the author. The work claimed to have been channeled from yeshua a son of god, is verified by me on my own authority as anothet son of god. This work is indeed not of human origins, although she and her partner were the dual channel agreed for its descent dimensional unfolding. Think of it as supply drops in enemy territory. This system is veiled. Sages are sf behind enemy lines. I wrote more at neo new site that i cannot copy paste yet.

  4. Ymar Sakar5:11 PM

    I will call it first. She is the dark horse trojan for the dems. Same way as trum, dem now repub.

    I suggest looking up her interrogation at the view for where she parts with leftists. Kryon had mentioned an invasion of positive love into politics. I had not expected to see an operative so soon. I suspect one of the forgotten spec ops plans i helped formulate has manifested. If so, it will be quite enjoyable watching the reactions of humanity.
