Uptick in law enforcement?

Maybe I'm just paying more attention, as a result of anxiety over a corrupt Deep State, but it's both alarming and encouraging to see four corrupt American defense or intelligence officials go to jail this year for spying for the Chinese between 2010 and 2017.

Maybe party time is over.  Joe diGenova said recently that some of the RussiaGate offenders ought to retain five lawyers apiece.  I'm thinking five law firms apiece, but we'll see where all this goes.  We should have the IG report soon.  The FISA court fraud alone is a big deal.  After that, we'll see where U.S. Attorney Durham's efforts lead us, given that his powers are broader than the IG's:  he can subpoena non-government employees.

I'm a little surprised no one has yet panicked and turned state's evidence.  These guys ain't Gordon Liddy.


  1. no one has yet panicked and turned state's evidence

    That we KNOW of.

  2. It would be something if one or two or them flipped AND quit leaking at the same time.

  3. I had forgotten about Liddy, and his evidence - not inconsiderable - about Dean's motivations.

  4. I'm a little surprised no one has yet panicked and turned state's evidence.

    Not yet state's evidence, but Comey, Clapper, and Brennan are busily shoving each other under the blame bus. My bet's on Comey to be the first to squeal.

    Eric Hines

  5. ymarsakar9:12 PM

    The bonus of retaining that many is that it prevents others from using them against you. Of course if you had enough money, you could hire and pay off the thousand best lawyer firms, so that they cannot be used against you, but that is perhaps not feasible.
