The Great Awokening

This Quillette article points out that not all true believers in the new Woke religion are cynical charlatans, because "[s]incere belief and status motives often conspire."
Because it allows a person priority access to crucial and coveted resources such as money and mates, the desire for status is probably a fundamental human motivation. And because that desire is primitive and powerful, many social practices and activities function at least partially to delineate status relationships. These can be analyzed as status systems and operate in predictable ways because, whatever its diverse manifestations, status has some invariant features. Most importantly, it is inexpansible. That is to say, its supply does not grow. Unlike the economic pie, the status pie remains roughly the same across time. Therefore, players in the status game inevitably inhabit a zero-sum world. If one person’s status goes up, then another’s must go down, which explains why people are exquisitely sensitive not only to gains in their own status, but also to gains in other people’s status. Another’s triumph inevitably rearranges the distribution of a finite and precious resource.
And the zero-sum game explains why "people in Woke culture expend so much effort sending signals to each other and so little quietly working to improve people’s lives."


  1. In-group wranglings, then.

  2. ...this quasi-religion, Wokeness, as a status system that functions predominantly to distinguish white elites from the white masses[.]

    That's right, which is amusing given the degree to which they think of themselves as being on the side of people of color (abbreviated "POC" these days, which by itself suggests to me that they aren't really that interested in them as individual human beings rather than as a useful category).

  3. ymarsakar6:38 AM

    In other news, the Doctor Classes are awakening to how much of their knowledge from Ph.D books has become obsolete. 50% every 10 years.

    Some doctors online didn't particularly respond well to that when I wrote that a few years ago.

    When one roasts a person's sacred cow, they generally resist and react badly to it. Even the more rational conservatives, or rather especially the more rational conservatives who think they can't be triggered as easily as the Leftist snowflakes. Oh yeah, let me spend some time on that one.
