Waco Update

Four years ago, two motorcycle clubs got into a brawl at "Twin Peaks" restaurant in Waco that was surrounded by the local police. Nine people were killed by gunfire, and 20 injured. Security cameras caught the whole thing. 200 bikers were arrested and held on million-dollar bonds. Now, the Waco DA is dropping all remaining charges. No one has ever been convicted of anything related to the event.


  1. raven6:33 PM

    Nine people killed, and twenty wounded, and all charges dismissed.
    Now that could get a guy to wondering why.

    Speculation says either the DA could not prove a (any) case against the alleged perps, and/or he did not want questions opened up about police snipers and the possibility he might have to file charges on them.

    I do not think we have seen the last of this event- wait till the wrongful death lawsuits start stacking up.

  2. I notice that a whole lot of the charges were allowed to lapse until it was too late to re-instate them under the statute of limitations. My guess is that the people originally charged would have had significant exculpatory evidence once the ballistics came back.

  3. Ymarsakar11:35 PM

    This is what happens to you human livestock when the master decides some slaughter culling is needed. They test the waters a bit with Judas goats.

    As I recall at the time, rumor mill was that the FBI ATF had setup internal agents who fired gunshots, which brought in the SWAT team who were ready to kill and on site. Otherwise they would have bumbled along and been caught on facebook livestream. They also erased all the camera data via factory reset, to prevent challenges to the narrative of "gangs of biker criminals got killed via raid after resisting arrest".

    Waco 2 and Waco 1 are related. They are related because Waco was originally a KKK State alliance stronghold. The Authorities hanged whites and reds and blacks who resisted Demoncrat white supremacy politics.

  4. Ymarsakar9:00 AM

    The State and the Feds will NEVER give you humans justice. If you want justice, then devote your loyalty to the Divine Hammer of Justice.

    Otherwise, sit back down, and pay your taxes, as good livestock. That is what the Deep State decrees. Your "human" powers are meaningless before the power of the Deep State. Your "guns" mean nothing to the power of the elohim tech. Your "militia" means nothing to orbital WMDs.

  5. Ymarsakar9:02 AM

    I was one of the few who knew exactly what happened at Waco 1 and Waco 2 when I heard about it.

    The others here and elsewhere, even the so called smart and politically wise ones, thought maybe it was really criminal mafia biker gangs that were killing each... exactly as the media wanted you all to think.

  6. For once, here's a case where I think the Federal government could do some good...
