That's Amazing


  1. I guess we're supposed to ignore the fact that it's worked pretty well (not just "functioned") for the past 236 years?

  2. Functionality doesn't have anything to do with it. It's a representative selection system. You might as well call every law passed by any state or the feds illegitimate because they were not presented to a vote of all the people in the jurisdiction.

    It's a fundamental misunderstanding that our system is not a democracy but a republic.

  3. So, would they be willing to have hoi polloi vote on laws too? It's hard to be more one-man-one-vote than a referendum. IIRC they got all bent out of shape when referenda didn't turn out the "correct" way.

  4. Well, you see, it's complicated. Like in North Carolina, the legislature is too gerrymandered to propose referenda -- unless it's a referendum they like, in which case the same legislature having proposed it doesn't cause problems.

  5. Gringo11:34 PM

    "One person one vote" becomes in California "one illegal alien, one vote."

  6. Ymarsakar11:38 PM

    Gringo, that's a lot of extra electoral votes from illegals.

    Demoncrat 3/5ths vote strikes again. It's one thing for humans to have money, but another thing for their property to count as votes.

    All nations are trumped up upstarts that proclaim that their power exceeds that of the Divine. We'll see about that soon enuf mortals.

  7. It used to be only the right-wing/libertarian fanatics, recent college grads from conservative places, and a few OCD's who kept pointing out that we are a republic, not a democracy.

    The right-wing fanatics turned out to be correct again. Darn.
